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Kenny Omega Tells Critics Of His Wrestling Style To “Shut The F*ck Up”

While speaking with, Kenny Omega discussed his match against Will Ospreay at the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door, including criticism that the match was too dangerous. 

The Tiger Driver 91 spot has been heavily criticized as Omega landed on his neck. Here is what he had to say: 

“There are people who want to complain and put themselves on a pedestal by saying what we did was dangerous. Well, you think? So I’ve been asked, why did we do it? It made sense in the match and evoked emotion. And we both knew I would end up coming out of the move unscathed. Is there a risk? Sure. There’s always a risk.”

“Look at the way Mike Tyson boxed. His style was so dangerous, he stayed so close to his opponent. What was he doing boxing in-style? Shouldn’t he have fought more stick-and-move and waited for the counterpunch? Wouldn’t that have been better for his brain? Didn’t he understand how dangerous it was? But that’s what made him Mike Tyson. Don’t tell me not to wrestle the way I know how to wrestle. Is there a risk? Was there a risk when Mike Tyson was fighting within inches of space between another championship-level boxer throwing power punches? Of course. But Tyson was confident in his abilities, and he knew he was the best. So don’t tell Mike Tyson how to box, and don’t tell Tyson Smith [Omega’s real name] how to wrestle. You aren’t even close to being qualified. Just shut the f— up.”

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Andrew Ravens

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