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Kurt Angle Will Need Neck Fusion Surgery

Kurt Angle has had neck issues since breaking his neck while wrestling in the 1996 Olympics. 

On a recent episode of The Kurt Angle Podcast, the WWE Hall of Famer noted that he will need to get surgery to fix the problems he has with his neck. 

“My neck is not that great,” Angle said. “I have a lot of motor skill problems in my hands, my fingers because of my neck. Numbness down my arms, I have a lot of pain in my neck. I’ve been putting off fusion surgery for gosh, 15 years. I might not be able to put it off for much longer, I’m eventually going to have to have fusion. I’ve had the quick fix surgeries just so I could get back in the ring again and the last one I did I think was 2015. I’m eventually going to have to have fusion, I’ve just been putting it off.”

H/T to Wrestling Inc

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Andrew Ravens
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