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Kyle O’Reilly Says He’d Like To Work With Bryan Danielson In AEW, More

During a recent appearance on the “Oral Sessions with Renee Paquette” podcast, AEW star Kyle O’Reilly commented on wanting to work with Bryan Danielson in AEW, William Regal’s reaction to the two men possibly facing off, and more. You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On wanting a match with Bryan Danielson in AEW: “I broke in in 2005 and at the time, Bryan Danielson was the Ring of Honor champion and was just on this legendary run. He was coming up to DC to work quite a bit because he was still living in Washington at the time. So I got to chat with him and train with him a little bit here and there, but I never had a chance to wrestle Bryan and he’s a guy that I’ve literally wanted to wrestle at my entire career and we’ve sort of been like ships passing in the night. Once I kind of leveled up to go to that next phase of my career, he was moving on to the next phase of his career. Not to say that I left NXT to hopefully wrestle Bryan Danielson but you got to go where the getting’s good and I felt there was a chance that maybe I could work this guy one day.”

On William Regal’s reaction to a possible match between the two: “I don’t want to get too much into this. It’s kind of a private conversation that I had with [William] Regal before leaving NXT. I’d mentioned this to him like I don’t want to seem like a guy that just wants to go somewhere to wrestle a guy, but he was like, ‘No, I get it. When I left Britain, I just wanted to wrestle Ric Flair, but he was in WWF at the time, and I came to WCW. Then, he came to WCW, and I got to wrestle Ric Flair.’ I was like, that’s wild. That’s such a cool little story. I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing that.”

On other talent he wants to work with in AEW: “I really hope that I get a chance to wrestle Bryan, and there’s a ton of young talent there that I think my style would mesh with really well. A guy like Daniel Garcia and Lee Moriarty – these guys that have a similar philosophy as myself in the way they like to present their style of wrestling. I think that’s really cool and that’s what’s so cool about AEW. There is such a wealth of talent and a wealth of different styles. I’m so excited to get back in there, and whether it’s tag or singles, just to tear it up and do what I think I do best and that’s just shut up and wrestle.”

(h/t – 411 Wrestling)

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Ryan Clark

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