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Michelle McCool Names Potential Dream Opponents, More

WWE Hall of Famer Michelle McCool was recently interviewed by Busted Open Radio to promote her in ring return at this Saturday’s Royal Rumble pay-per-view event. She inevitably mentioned some names she would like to face if given the possibility:

“There is a whole set of girls that I’ve never really danced with in the ring before. The main names everyone says, the Beckys, the Charlottes, but I really look forward to…I love every time I can get in the ring with Naomi. She is so dang athletic. Just as athletic as Bianca and I’ve never worked with her, just at the PC here and there. I’m really looking forward to mixing it up with those two if given the chance. I would like to mix it up with Charlotte because whether or not she knows, I kind of have a bone to pick with her. Every time she is on our TV, our two-year-old goes, ‘Mommy, mommy.’ ‘That is not mommy. Mommy is right here. She plays a queen. I am the queen.’ She runs her mouth a whole lot. Just mixing it up with new girls, old girls. Nattie and I have some business. Mickie James and I have unfinished business. Hopefully, there are a few more surprise entrants that I’ve had a past with as well.”

After her retirement in 2011, McCool returned to the ring in 2018 to be a part of the first ever women’s Royal Rumble match and her last match to date happened later in the same year, when she competed in the battle royal at Evolution.

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Stefano Briganti

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