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Miro Retweets Response To CM Punk’s Comments Regarding Standing With Your Peers

CM Punk’s ongoing drama backstage in All Elite Wrestling continues to be the talk of the town. Punk reportedly got into a physical altercation with The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega backstage after All Out.

This was moments after Punk made some harsh comments about The Elite during the post-show media scrum. Now, Miro has taken to Twitter to seemingly voice his thoughts on the situation. Punk tweeted out the following several weeks ago, “Doesn’t matter if your opinion of your coworker is positive or negative. Stand with them. Because they’ll do the same thing to you and you’ll wish someone helped. Trust me. You’re expendable. Together you’re unstoppable.”

This was during the drama surrounding Sasha Banks and Naomi walking out of WWE RAW. Miro at the time posted a laughing emoji in response to the tweet. Now, amidst the ongoing issues Punk is having backstage, Miro retweeted his old response.

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Jon Fuentes

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