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The Miz Speaks On “The Marine 5” & His WWE Co-Stars, New Teaser Posters For GLOW On Netflix Released

The Miz spoke with Uproxx for a new interview promoting The Marine 5: Battleground. Some highlights are below:

On working with Naomi, Bo Dallas, Heath Slater, Curtis Axel: “Oh, I mean, they all have the ability. It’s a matter of if they want it and what they’re going to do get it. Obviously, they came to this movie well prepared, ready to go, and now it’s just finding new things. A cool little story that I have is, one day we were driving to the set and we were all joking around, having fun in the car, and Heath was kind of being kind of quiet. And we all know that Heath Slater is not a quiet guy. And I’m like “Heath, man, what’s wrong? You’re not being Heath Slater.” He goes, “‘Cause I’m not Heath Slater. I’m Cash.” And I was like “Ah, man, that’s good.” He was so into the character that he was preparing way before we were even getting to set!”

On his dream film project: “My dream project? I mean, I think anyone’s dream project right now is how amazing the Marvel/DC comic book era is really coming together and really blowing up the scene. Anytime you have a movie, it’s breaking records, it’s doing great things, so obviously I’d want a Marvel character. Obviously, Deadpool is already taken and Ryan Reynolds did an absolutely fantastic job. That was always my dream role ever since I saw the video game seven years ago, I was like “Oh my god, I want to play this guy!” But, Ryan Reynolds took it and knocked it out of the park and did an absolutely incredible job, so I can’t fault him at all. But I think anyone would want to do Marvel or DC, maybe WWE can combine with them and do something, but you never know. Yeah, I mean a lot of the main ones are kind of taken. I’ve always wanted to play Booster Gold.”

Netflix has released a new teaser and posters for their GLOW series. The show premieres on Netflix on June 23rd and stars Alison Brie, Marc Maron, Kia Stevens (Awesome Kong) and more.

Inspired by the short-lived but beloved show from the 80s, GLOW tells the fictional story of Ruth Wilder (Alison Brie), an out-of-work, struggling actress in 1980s Los Angeles who finds one last chance for stardom when she’s thrust into the glitter and spandex world of women’s wrestling. In addition to working with 12 Hollywood misfits, Ruth also has to compete with Debbie Eagan (Betty Gilpin) a former soap actress who left the business to have a baby, only to be sucked back into work when her picture perfect life is not what it seems. And at the wheel is Sam Sylvia (Marc Maron), a washed-up, B-movie director who now must lead this group of women on the journey to wrestling stardom.

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Ryan Clark
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