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Sheamus’ Top 7 Future Opponents + Linda McMahon/WWE/RAW

— After Linda McMahon’s U.S. Senate opponent Chris Murphy purchased advertising time on the USA Network scrutinizing the former WWE CEO during Monday’s RAW airing in Connecticut, the sports-entertainment organization released the following statement to “It is apparent that the same people who have consistently denigrated and mischaracterized WWE and our family-friendly entertainment for political gain have officially changed their point of view about our content. For the second week in a row, Mr. Murphy’s campaign continues to run advertising in our programming with his new ad airing yesterday at 10:30 p.m. on USA during Monday Night Raw. While the past political rhetoric has been unjust, it pleases us to know that Mr. Murphy recognizes that WWE’s TV programming is a highly effective way to reach families and voters in Connecticut.”

— Sheamus revealed his top seven preferred future opponents in an interview with You can check it out at this link. The top on his list would be Undertaker at WrestleMania, followed by Brock Lesnar, C.M. Punk (in a Champion vs. Champion match), Randy Orton, Big Show, Wade Barrett, and Kane.

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