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Steve Austin Speaks On Helping Younger Talent, Not Wanting ECW Title, More

WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin recently appeared on Chasing Glory with Lilian Garcia to talk about various topics. Here are the highlights.

Steve on why he remains humble:

“That’s how our parents raised us. Do your chores, put in hard work, do your best work, and like Dad used to say, “Steve, if you can do something, don’t half-ass it. Do it right the first time. If you’re going to do something, give it everything you’ve got.” It wasn’t like they constantly preached to us, “Hey, stay humble”. That’s just who and what my mom and dad were. They put in hard work and they raised us to understand and respect work and your chores and that nobody rides for free.”

Why he didn’t want the ECW Championship in the beginning:

“I was a very good mechanic in the ring, but I wasn’t a superstar yet, although we would call myself “Superstar” Steve Austin there in ECW. I said, “Man everyone is going to be expecting me to take the title. Let me chase it, let me earn it.” I wanted to get over to that ECW crowd or where ever it is from a television standpoint. Those people in that sh**hole arena, that ECW arena, it was a dump. When I say that, I mean that as a compliment. It was just this raw crazy atmosphere with a lot of guys working their asses off to build that place up and doing a hell of a job and all those great promos. So I just didn’t want to waltz in there and get handed a belt. I wanted to earn it through the boys in the company and earn the fans respect.”

Steve on why it’s his duty to help younger talent:

“When Stone Cold got hot, it came from l, (I was a heel), but it came from a place of anger and rage and being pissed off and being held back and wanting to get my shot and man I was going to get to the damn top no matter what it took. So I see these people in the system, in the trenches and want to be able to help them get to the next level. Not everyone is going to understand what you’re talking about or whatever percentage they can use, I just feel like it’s any veteran’s responsibility to help pass knowledge onto the younger cats in the business.”


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Andrew Ravens

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