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The Gunns Want To Recapture The AEW World Tag Team Championships

FTR defeated The Gunns to win the AEW World Tag Team Championships on last week’s episode of Dynamite.

During an appearance on CBS 58 ahead of tonight’s AEW Dynamite YV tapings, The Gunns (Austin & Colton Gunn) expressed their desire to become the tag team champions again.

Colton Gunn said, “I would say my goal when getting into [wrestling] was to win the tag team titles with my brother, and we did it. So now it’s how many times can we win it, I guess.”

Austin Gunn noted that the first title victory came earlier than expected, and now they’re aiming to win the AEW World Tag Team Championships for the second time in their careers.

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Published by
Saptarshi Sinha

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