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TJ Wilson Recalls Working With Bray Wyatt, Lash Leroux Reveals How He Earned A Spot In WCW

On a recent edition of the “Out of Character” podcast, TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd) recalled his fond memories of working with Bray Wyatt (Windham Rotunda) during their time together in WWE.

Wyatt tragically passed away of a heart attack last month at the age of 36.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his memories of Wyatt: “He was a phenomenal person. Someone said even if Bray was mad, which was very rarely, he would still have the locker room laughing. When he got salty, he was maybe extra funny. I have a little bit of that too. Bray was special. His creativity, it wasn’t just his creativity for himself. He would help everybody all the time. I remember, I did my NXT run, and when I got back on the main roster, I was doing a promo talking about Cats and Facts on Main Event, and Bray pulled Nattie [Natalya] aside, and then pulled me aside, ‘Hey man, you got something here. I want to help you with your cadence.’ I’m not some promo master. I got better working with Dusty, but I’m not a master. If a guy like Bray Wyatt is going to help me, I will take that help. I think his superpower is he had a great relationship with everybody. If you were talking to him, he made you feel like you were the most important person in the world for those moments. He’s very special with that. He had a key to my ring, he had been going to my ring a whole bunch the last year. A lot of people don’t know this, two things, first off, he’s the best smelling wrestler maybe in history. From what he looks like on TV, you might think otherwise. A lot of people don’t know this, but Bray was afraid of heights. What’s ironic about that now is, he got over that quick because he’s flying as high as anybody right now. There is not a better person than Bray. I love Bray.”

On training Wyatt ahead of his 2022 return: “I was looking through my texts earlier, and he texted me, he was very private, and he texted me and said, ‘I’m ready to get back in the ring a little.’ This is last August, so we’re going back and forth. ‘When are you training?’ ‘I’m training at this time, but I’ll meet you anytime you want.’ At first he said, ‘let’s do it privately,’ and then it was, ‘Actually, I’ll show up at your practice.’ He did and was so helpful with every person there. He kept pulling guys aside, giving them little bits of advice. He pulled me aside and said, ‘I love what you’re doing here. Our minds combined, we’re going to do some special things. This is a chance to do some very special stuff.’ At that point, I don’t know if he was kayfabing me or not, but he was telling me that he hadn’t re-signed yet, and he wasn’t sure what was in the works. Then he did re-sign. I had a little talk with him a few weeks after he re-signed and was like, ‘I’m so excited for this run.’ He said, ‘Yes, this is going to be the run.’ I wholeheartedly believe, if he had been good physically, it would have been. He was about to really blow people’s minds.”.

On a recent edition of Colt Cabana’s “The Art of Wrestling” podcast, Lash LeRoux stated that his work on the WCW Mayhem video game while he was at the Power Plant brought him to the attention of WCW officials.

LeRoux did motion capture work on the 1999 video game which opened the doors for him in WCW.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On getting involved in filming for WCW Mayhem: “You mention the video games, that’s sort of what opened the door for me. EA Sports, they came to the Power Plant and wanted to film some of the guys doing moves. It was the first wrestling game they were going to do with the new technology with the motion capture suit and you have all the bulbs on you that give the signal and turn it into a skeleton. They weren’t quite sure how they were going to go about tackling this, so they came to the Power Plant, and they’re filming us doing these moves. You know how guys can be when you’re unsure of yourself, everyone is standing around the ring and no one wants to jump in and be the guinea pig.”

On proving he could do different styles: “They go, ‘We need someone that can do chain wrestling.’ I did amateur wrestling in high school and won a state championship. I jumped right in and did chain wrestling. ‘We need someone that can do power moves.’ I’m not the biggest guy, but I’m not the smallest, and I’m big enough and thick enough that I can do power moves, suplexes, and everybody else’s stuff, I was enough of a mark that I could do everybody else’s stuff. ‘We need guys who can do lucha libre.’ They were really heavy on that at the time. Now, it’s a little different. I heard someone refer to wrestlers as ‘flippy white dudes.’ I feel I was an OG flippy white dude. We had a lot of luchadores from Mexico, then we had me and Billy Kidman. I taught myself that stuff, I could do hurricanranas and tilt-a-whirl head scissors, so I jumped in the ring and did that. EA Sports reaction was, ‘that’s who we want to do the game.’

“I did all (the motion capture), just about. Me, Sarge, and Bobby Eaton for a few things. Ted DiBiase was a consultant. WCW said, ‘We want to get Lash up there because he can do everything we want him to do.’ I would even mimic guy’s gimmick in the motion capture. At first, WCW balked and said, ‘You should choose somebody under contract so we don’t have to pay extra.’ EA Sports came back with, ‘He’s impressed us so much, we’ll pay him.’ EA Sports paid me. That got WCW’s attention.”

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Saptarshi Sinha

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