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Tony Khan Addresses William Regal’s Exit From AEW

William Regal is headed back to WWE after the new year when his contract expires with AEW. He’ll be working for WWE in a backstage role. Regal was written off AEW television last week when he was attacked by MJF.

During today’s ROH Final Battle media scrum, AEW President Tony Khan addressed Regal’s departure.

Khan claimed that Regal had asked AEW not to renew his contract back in October. Between All Out and Grand Slam, his mother had a stroke before having a second stroke.

Regal asked AEW VP Megha Parekh not to renew his contract so that he could join his son Charlie Dempsey in WWE. Khan went on to say that he had a conversation with Regal when visiting his mother in the hospital and decided to fulfill Regal’s request.

Regal also wanted to work with some of his long-time friends in the company. Khan expressed his best wishes for Regal and mentioned that they had spoken this week.

Khan also said that his mother is feeling better and that helped him make the decision to do the right thing, although he noted that he can’t always accommodate requests like Regal’s.

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Andrew Ravens
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