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Tony Khan Comments On Managing AEW’s Growing Roster, Adam Cole, More

During a recent appearance on the “Rasslin’ with Brandon Walker” podcast, AEW President Tony Khan commented on AEW’s growing roster and how he manages it, Adam Cole becoming a top star in wrestling, and more. You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his approach to managing AEW’s growing roster: “It’s a balance. We have these great stars and I think All Out was a perfect blend where you saw, whether it was Kenny vs. Christian, of course, CM Punk vs. Darby Allin, the Young Bucks vs. the Lucha Brothers in the steel cage. That was a great match, and for many people, that was their favorite match of the year and one of the selling points of the pay-per-view. We’ve had so many great wrestlers come into AEW and we started with a great roster, and now we’ve built more. And that’s important because we’ve launched Friday Night Rampage. Now with Friday Night Rampage on TNT, you need more stars across the company to have a second show.”

On MJF listing his “Four Pillars” of AEW: “There’s more than four. Those four were who he named and that’s his personal list. I think those four are all pillars of this company, and then some. But we have so many. He’s right that those four are all building blocks to this company. MJF and Darby Allin and Jungle Boy and Sammy Guevara. There are many others that I can list. We talked about Orange Cassidy, Dr. Britt Baker, we can talk about them until we’re blue in the face. Ricky Starks and Hangman Page. There are so many young stars.”

On Adam Cole’s potential to be the top star in wrestling: “It’s not crazy at all what you just said. I think Adam Cole has as much potential and has as much of a chance to be the breakthrough No. 1 star of anyone in all of wrestling right now. We talk about Hangman Page, who has that same potential and a lot of other people – MJF, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, so many people. I can’t stress enough that we have this great young roster and great young fanbase. It’s a great time for anybody of any age to get into AEW because we also have Sting, who has been the last man standing of that generation. There may be other guys, but Sting is still on TV on TNT.”

(h/t – 411 Wrestling)

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Ryan Clark

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