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Top WWE Merchandise Sellers Revealed

Dave Meltzer noted in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that Seth Rollins is leading the pack in merchandise sales for WWE these days.

This data comes from WrestleNomics, which recently reported the World Heavyweight Champion is the top earner for the company.

“Merchandise ranking estimates for last week from Wrestlenomics saw the top five as Rollins, LWO, Reigns, Ripley and Owens. Top five items are the Ripley “She’s My Mami” shirt, Rollins “Whoa Ohh Ohh” shirt, Reigns “Life’s not Fair” shirt, Eddie Guerrero LWO and Rhodes “Undeniable.” For the month of May, the top five were Bad Bunny, LWO, Rollins, Ripley and Reigns and top individual item was the Guerrero LWO shirt, followed by the new Riley, Rollins, LWO and Rhodes Undeniable shirts,”

Meltzer wrote.

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Andrew Ravens

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