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Two UFC Champions To Appear On Next Week’s AEW Dynamite

AEW President Tony Khan talked about tonight’s episode of AEW Dynamite during today’s Busted Open Radio show on SiriusXM. 

This is where he noted two UFC Champions will appear with Dan Lambert on next week’s show. 

“Dan and his guys, the more I talk to them, the more I looked at this. I’m gonna have Dan and his guys come next week. If they want to tear into us, they can tear into us. I gotta address the Rampage premiere. We got a lot of things to do and I know Dan wants to antagonize wrestling and Dan wants to talk about how wrestling used to be better and real men and so forth and I’d love to hear that. He’s gonna bring big backup in the form of not just one UFC Champion but two great UFC Champions. I’m very excited for it. If he wants to say all that, I’m totally game for it but not this week as I got to launch Rampage. We have a lot to do and I told him why don’t you bring your guys to Houston next week? So that’s what we’re gonna do. Dan’s gonna come to Houston. I’ll give him the time to say what he wants to say. By then I think Rampage will have been established, we will have entered the Rampage era.”

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Andrew Ravens

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