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Wardlow: ‘It Does Not Get Bigger Than Wardlow vs. Goldberg’

In a recent interview with WhatCulture, AEW wrestler Wardlow gave his thoughts on a possible match with Goldberg.

He was asked whether the two exchanged words at one point as rumored because both men were at Wrestlecon this year in Los Angeles, CA. Goldberg is a free agent after departing from WWE. Wardlow said,

I actually pointed at him and I said, ‘Bet your ass I’m not next.’ So yeah, you guys just missed it. Goldberg did walk through just a minute ago and we exchanged words. Don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, but we both mutually agreed that if the opportunity comes, we would love to see who really is next. Yeah, I mean, if you could have Batista, Lesnar, Goldberg, I put those three in the same category of dream monster matches. So yeah, Goldberg is… I mean, we just heard, ‘Wardlow.’ We haven’t heard that chant since ‘Goldberg.’ So I think Wardlow versus Goldberg, it doesn’t get bigger than that. It does not get bigger than Wardlow versus Goldberg. It doesn’t.

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Andrew Ravens
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