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What Happened After AEW Dynamite Went Off The Air? (Video)

Following this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite, Sammy Guevara cut a promo and celebrated his TNT Championship win over Miro. Following the win, Guevara said,

“For you kids out there with a dream of something you wanna’ do ….. all you’ve gotta’ do is believe in yourself and work hard.”

“Now my goal is to be one of the best TNT champions there ever was. But Rochester, I gotta’ be honest with you. We know who the greatest TNT champion was.”

After a loud “Brodie” chant in Rochester, NY broke out, Guevara said,

“I will never be able to fill the shoes that you left behind. I mean, you had some big ass feet. But I’m going to do my damnedest. And I’m gonna work as hard as I can to carry this title with pride. No offense to Kenny’s belt, but this is the greatest title in professional wrestling!

I would talk forever, but we got the rest of the show to do [Rampage]. So thank you all for from the bottom of my heart for believing in me.”

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Published by
Ryan Clark

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