WWE 205 Live Feb 7, 2020 Full Results & Report

The NEW NXT Cruiserweight Champion is here!

The international WWE tour for one Jordan Devlin continues! Devlin challenges the 205 Live roster to step up, but who dares gamble with the Irish Ace?


  • Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Ariya Daivari & THE Brian Kendrick; Daivari & Kendrick win, by disqualification.
  • The Singh Brothers VS Joe Furrer & Devon Dixie; The Singh Brothers win.
  • Triple Threat: Jordan Devlin VS Tony Nese VS Lio Rush; Devlin wins.


Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Ariya Daivari & THE Brian Kendrick!

The One-Two of BritAm Brawlers want to put the Persian Lion and Man with a Plan in check! But will the 205 Live OG’s have a way to put these two “new wave” Cruiserweight superstars in checkmate?

The teams sort out and Lorcan starts against Daivari. Lorcan is right on Daivari with a European Uppercut at the bell and Daivari bails out! Daivari regroups with Kendrick but Burch comes around to clobber them both! Lorcan goes out to put Daivari back in the ring while Burch bounces Kendrick off the announce desk! Lorcan CHOPS Daivari in one corner, then CHOPS him in another! And in a third corner, even! San Jose cheers as Lorcan whips Daivari to kitchen sink knee him down! Lorcan drags Daivari up but Daivari knees and clubs back. Tag to Kendrick and the OG double suplex. Lorcan slips out to then duck and tag in Burch! Burch throws big hands on both opponents, then spins Kendrick for EuroUppers! Kendrick is in a corner, Burch corner clotheslines and enziguris!

Burch shoves Kendrick down and hops up. Daivari runs over but Burch DECKS him! Burch goes after Kendrick with forearms and another EuroUpper. Burch runs but Daivari trips him up! Kendrick shoves Burch to the floor and the ref has to keep Lorcan back. Daivari gets away with stomps on Burch! Daivari puts Burch back in for Kendrick to choke him on the ropes! “Smile for the camera! Wave to the nice people!” Kendrick lets up at 4 to then stand on Burch’s head! Tag to Daivari and Daivari stomps Burch’s leg. Daivari drops elbows on the knee and then stomps it more. Burch rolls and clutches that leg as Daivari tags Kendrick in again. The OG double whip Burch to calf kick him down! Cover, TWO! Kendrick keeps on Burch with a half nelson, then claws at his face. The ref reprimands but Daivari tags in.

The Cruiserweight OG mug Burch in their corner, then Daivari CHOPS Burch to the open corner. Daivari stomps Burch’s bad leg against the ropes, but fans rally for the “One Two!” Kendrick tags in as Daivari anchors a leg of Burch’s. Burch fights but Kendrick is on him with a snapmare and spinning toehold! Kendrick cranks on the leg but Burch endures. Fans build to a rally as Kendrick cranks harder. Burch fights with his good foot and gets free! Burch and Kendrick crawl, Kendrick drags Burch back to his corner. Tag to Daivari and Daivari stomps Burch down. Daivari rains down rights then tags Kendrick back in. Fans jeer as the OG double whip again. Burch holds ropes then sends Daivari out! Burch dodges Kendrick, tag to Lorcan!

Lorcan rallies on Kendrick with fast hands! And LARIATS Daivari down! The Fury of 205 Live has returned as he dodges Daivari to EUROUPPER him down! Fans fire up with Lorcan as he runs corner to corner, DOUBLE BLOCKBUSTER! Lorcan tags Burch, and they drag Kendrick up. But Daivari has a chair! He swings but misses, Burch’s shotgun dropkick puts the chair into Daivari! Lorcan gabs the chair but the ref tells him not to! Lorcan gives Daivari the chair shot anyway!

Winners: Ariya Daivari & THE Brian Kendrick, by disqualification

Fans want to see that “One More Time!” and Lorcan is fired up. Daivari writhes but Burch stops Lorcan short? Fans boo because this is a bit confusing. Burch throws the chair down and gives Lorcan a shove. “Oney…! GET THE TABLES!” The Dudley Boys would be proud as Lorcan drags out a table from under the ring! San Jose is thunderous as the table is put in the ring and Burch works to set it up. But Kendrick drags Daivari out of the ring so that they can retreat! The table will go unused, but this surely means this tag team battle will serve up another helping! Is this feud going where it looks like it’s going?

The Singh Brothers VS Joe Furrer & Devon Dixie!

The Bollywood Boys are back to let us know they did not forget the Cruiserweight Division or the WWE Universe! They’re still working on their next blockbuster, but can they at least grab up a win in the Bay?

The teams sort out and Samir starts against Dixie. Fans cheer for the Bollywood hips at the bell, and the Singh Brothers give them the Bollywood bounce! They go to one side, then come back the other way! Dixie turns Samir around for a kick and haymakers! Fans boo Dixie as he throws hands and fires up. Dixie runs in but into boots! Samir hops up for a flying uppercut! And some hip swivels. Samir drags Dixie up to tag in Sunil. Sunil hops up, swivels and rolls film before dropping the ax handles! Sunil drags Dixie up and tags in Samir. The Bollywood Boys double whip Dixie for double hip tosses! And then they roll him for a double dropkick! And then dance around him! San Jose loves it but Aiden English is annoyed and says so on commentary. Double elbow drops and a cover, TWO!

Samir drags Dixie up to crank on Dixie’s neck. The aggression is what English likes, and that goes for the fish hooking. Sunil has the slate to clap for action! Dixie endures being in scene 2, but he powers up. Dixie elbows out but Samir clubs him down! Tag to Sunil and the Singhs double whip. Dixie kicks and punches them away, then bumps Sunil off buckles. Dixie climbs up and fires up to rain down hands. But Samir helps his brother and BOMBS Dixie down! Then the Singhs DOUBLE SUPERKICK Furrer down! Samir tags back in and climbs up as Sunil brings Dixie up. BOLLYWOOD BLAST! Cover, The Singh Brothers win!

Winners: The Singh Brothers, by pinfall

The elbow drop backbreaker ends the scene and that’s a wrap! Will the Bollywood Boys be a box office smash as WrestleMania approaches?

Triple Threat: Jordan Devlin VS Tony Nese VS Lio Rush!

The Irish Ace told NXT UK media that not only is he the best wrestler in NXT UK, or the best wrestler in all of Europe, but the best in the entire world! And now that he is Cruiserweight Champion, that proves he is WWE’s best wrestler under 205 pounds. Can he continue to back up his words when going against two former Cruiserweight champions at the same time? Or will the Premier Athlete and Living Piece of Gold be too much for even the Irish ironman?

The bell rings and fans cheer for Lio. Nese says Lio shouldn’t be in this match after Lio lost in a ring out. Lio argues back but Devlin gets their attention as the new champion. Nese shoves Devlin but Lio dropkicks Nese! Devlin kicks and headlocks Lio but Lio powers out. Things speed up as both men leap over the other. Lio spins Devlin but Devlin shoves him to a corner. Devlin runs in, Lio dodges and then whips him corner to corner. Devlin goes up and out and then back in to waistlock and German Suplex! But Lio rolls through to get back on his feet! Lio ducks and dodges all Devlin’s strikes to then slide under and kangaroo kick! Cover but Nese yanks him off to stomp him down!

Devlin stays back as Nese rains down hands and shouts, “I’m the Premier Athlete!” Nese stomps Devlin for good measure before going after Lio. Lio throws hands back but Nese throat chops him! Nese brings Lio around for the bulldog hotshot! Premier Triangle moonsault! Cover, but Devlin breaks it up! Devlin throws hands on Nese then forearms. Devlin grinds his boot into Nese’s head but the ref backs him off. He throws hands in the corner and then whips Nese corner to corner. Nese stops himself and elbows back. Nese hops up, leaps but Devlin gets under. Devlin swings but Nese goes Matrix to kip up and mule kick! Nese knee lifts, kicks but Devlin jumps over the sweep to basement DDT! Cover, TWO! Devlin argues the count but keeps his cool.

Devlin has Lio in the corner for EuroUppers, then goes back to Nese. He throws EuroUppers on Nese then whips. Nese reverses to slide and pump handle Devlin, but Devlin slips out of the scoop! Devlin has the dragon sleeper but sees Lio coming! Devlin catches Lio to Urenage him ONTO Nese in the inverted DDT! A flashback to Worlds Collide, as is the 2-for-1 standing moonsault! Cover on Nese, TWO! Devlin is growing frustrated now but he cools off. Fans rally as Devlin drags Nese back up. Devlin throws forearms and then goes on to Lio. Devlin throws Lio out and dusts of his hands. He goes back to Nese to CHOP him in the corner, then bring him out for a double knee strike! Cover, TWO, but Devlin drives in his elbows.

Fans boo but the Irish Ace soaks it all up. Devlin scrapes his boots on Nese’s face then drags Nese up to whip. Nese reverses again and puts Devlin on the apron. Nese sweeps the legs and Devlin crashes down! The Premier Athlete slingshots but Devlin moves so the plancha is aborted. Nese cartwheels over the sweep, then ROCKS Devlin with a left hand! Devlin wobbles and Nese climbs up, but Lio handspring heel kicks Nese down! Lio builds speed but Devlin gets in. Lio leaps over Devlin and keeps moving, to run into a SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!! Lio still lives and San Jose fires up. Devlin grits his teeth as he drags Lio back up.

Devlin drives his elbows in then drags Lio up for the atomic backbreaker! Lio writhes and Devlin drops an elbow down on him! Devlin drags Lio up for a neck crank but fans rally for Lio. Lio endures and fights his way up. Lio throws body shots but Devlin elbows him down again. Devlin has Lio in the corner and puts him on the top rope. Devlin throws big hands then climbs up top. Lio fights back but Devlin clubs him. Nese yanks Devlin off to CHOP him! Nese climbs up to get Lio now but Devlin yanks Nese down. Devlin CHOPS Nese but Nese shoves. The two start shoving, Lio stands up, but they both trip him up! Nese and Devlin can agree on one thing: take down Lio first. They both climb up but Lio fights them both off!

Lio throws haymakers and counter punches as San Jose rallies behind him. Lio headbutts Nese then headbutts Devlin. Then he makes Devlin headbutt Nese! Nese and Devlin fall and Lio gets up to DOUBLE CROSSBODY! Everyone flounders up, Lio dodges Devlin and ducks Nese to fire off fast hands! Lio whips but Devlin reverses only for Lio to rally back with lariats! Nese runs in but is sent into Devlin! Lio rushes in but Nese dodges and that forearm smashes Devlin. Nese whips Lio away but Lio springboards! Nese dodges again and Devlin gets the COME UP! Then Nese whips Lio, only for Lio to COME UP again! Cover, TWO!! Nese survives and Lio can’t believe it! Lio grits his teeth as he says the time is now!

Fans rally as Lio climbs up top. Nese rolls all the way out, but Devlin runs at him! Nese puts Devlin on the apron, Lio runs over, Devlin goes up and over so that the DIVE goes into Nese! Direct hit at the ramp, but as Lio brings Nese back, Devlin MOONSAULTS to take down Lio! Nese builds speed in the ring to FLY! The Premier Fosbury takes out Devlin! Nese puts Devlin into the ring and then heads up top. But Lio pushes Nese down! Lio is up top, but Nese comes back to push him down! Nese RAMS Lio into barriers! “You shouldn’t even be here!” In a flashback to last week, Nese throws Lio over the announce desk! Nese goes back to the ring, for Devlin to PESCADO! Devlin puts Nese in, slingshots, CUTTER! Cover, but Lio pulls Devlin off!

Fans are fired up as Devlin drags Lio into the ring. Lio throws body shots but Devlin boots him in the face. Devlin ripcord but Lio knee triggers! The two wobble, Devlin HEADBUTTS! Devlin and Lio stagger back and Lio ends up in a corner. Devlin staggers up into a mule kick and the heel kick! Lio goes up top fast, but Nese rolls to SHORYUKEN! Nese runs to Alabama lift Devlin, Premier BUSTER! Cover, TWO!?! Nese can’t believe Devlin survives! Nese drags Devlin to a drop zone and heads up top. Devlin is up and rocks Nese first. Devlin climbs up as fans rally for Lio. Nese shoves Devlin down then adjusts, PREMIER 450 FLOPS! FINAL HOUR GETS KNEES!? Nese goes back up and 450 splashes again! Direct hit! But then DEVLINSIDE!! Cover, Devlin wins!!

Winner: Jordan Devlin, by pinfall

The Irish Ace cashes in at the right moment to win the match! Devlin then grabs his belt and a mic to say, “205 Live, do you believe me now?!” Devlin tells Nese, Lio, and Angel Garza should even worry about this title. Because the NXT Cruiserweight Championship is staying with NXT UK, “because you never bet against The Ace!” Will the Irish Ace continue to dominate all of the WWE Cruiserweight Division?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode for 205 Live. For one, I was just wondering if the Singh Brothers would be back, and they were! And while they were beating up jobbers, San Jose seems to like them, so maybe the Bollywood Boys move to be Faces for a minute. But them having to constantly beat jobbers is just a sign that Vince pulled a bad move having the WWE Draft gut the Cruiserweight Division to put guys like the Lucha House Party and Akira Tozawa on shows and then barely use them. It’s already been three years, but I’ll say it again that WWE should’ve let 205 Live be a place for Cruiserweight crossovers to happen. Maybe now that it’s all but part of NXT, we’ll start getting that.

I do like that Kendrick is again going to be part of what has become a 205 Live tradition in tag team feuds going to a no disqualification type match. Kendrick & Daivari as the 205 Live OG, but especially Kendrick as a member of the WWE Cruiserweight Division early days, they’re likely going to put Lorcan & Burch over in what is clearly going to be a Tag Team Tables match. Then we got an amazing Triple Threat match that while non-title was as good as a title match. Between NXT, NXT UK and 205 Live, Devlin will be the WWE Cruiserweight workhorse, and it is well-deserved. I really hope at some point, we basically get another Fatal 4 Way like WWE Worlds Collide, but each contender represents NXT, NXT UK and 205 Live.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Published by
Steven Mitchell

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