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Terms that need to be retired from wrestling fan’s vocabulary Part 1: Bury

In this age of technology the line between the fiction and reality is gone. With sites like twitter, instagram, vine, etc allowing fans a more candid look into the personal life of our favorite wrestlers, the business has became more public then ever. 

Even as recently as only as a few years ago wrestling still had an air of mystery around it. The business has always used the mystery of their behind the scenes to really drive the product. And while it worked for so long it was inevitable that fans would become smarter of the business/backstage portion of the sport. However, there has been a side effect of this abundance of info. It is now common slang to use certain terms freely that only were used by the wrestlers themselves. The problem is these terms have been used so often, I feel they are losing their original meaning and thus need to be stopped being said.

First off a term every IWC has uttered after a match at one point or another. Buried. By definition the term bury/burial means this;

The worked lowering (relegation) of a popular wrestler’s status in the eyes of the
fans. It is the act of a promoter or booker causing a wrestler to lose
popularity by forcing him to lose in squash matches, continuously, and/or participate in entertaining or degrading storylines.

Now what that means is a wrestler is buried when they are forced to have stupid gimmicks over and over and lose matches over and over, often to wrestlers the person normally would beat. So often a fan will rant about how a wrestler was buried after losing one match. Unless that match was against someone of say Zack Ryder or David Otunga status it wasn’t a burial. 

Case in point, Bray Wyatt vs John Cena the Raw after Cena got destroyed by 16 Germen Suplexs. While it was a bit of an overkill, it was not a burial of Bray. It was a matter of making Cena look more legit as a Number One Contender for his rematch. True burial is what happened to Zack Ryder. 

Zack Ryder was one of the most over wrestlers back in 2011. Suddenly it went downhill. He ends up in a stupid story involving Eve and Kane which ends up roping John Cena in. It made every person involved look bad and all but killed off Zack’s momentum. He loses the US championship and has to keep doing a story about Eve manipulating him which ends in probably one of the most embarrassing Wrestlemania moments, where she kicks Ryder right in the bits. Ever since then Zack has been rarely used on tv only appear to job occasionally.

Saying a wrestler is being buried has become the exaggerated term now. People say it all the time which ends up redefining what it actually means. Before people claim some one Triple H or John Cena is burying someone stop and think. Was it an utter embarrassing match for the wrestler? Was the match part of a story? If you can answer those honestly and still claim burial, that’s your problem. But I’m sure alot more with say you are dead wrong.

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