Brandi Rhodes was a recent guest on “The Tamron Hall Show,” where the former WWE and AEW performer discussed parenting and her “Two Lies and One Truth” podcast.

Notable was Rhodes’ revelation that Shaquille O’Neal gave her advice on raising children.
You can check out some highlights from the interview below:
On what the podcast has done for her journey as a parent: “It’s made me have to be honest. It’s made me want to be real and not want to be perfect all the time. So, talking to everybody — I mean, I don’t know where it comes from. But somewhere in me there’s this strive for perfection and other people’s approval and everything. And [for] everyone to say, ‘Oh, Brandy did the full Thanksgiving spread, and she looks great, and the baby’s so well behaved.’ I don’t know why I need this.”
On getting parenting advice from Shaq: “I think that after a while you start thinking this is the way that everything has to be, this is the path I have to go and this is who I have to be for this person. And then you start talking to other parents who you look up to and you look at — I mean, Shaquille O’Neil is one of my favorite people in general but like tops as far as parenting goes, he’s such a great dad — and to hear him say, ‘Hey, stuff happens, move on, it’ll be okay, keep going, keep going.’”
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