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Cody Rhodes Speaks Out – Mustache, Damien Sandow, More


Cody Rhodes recently spoke about his mustache, working with Damien Sandow and more. Here are the highlights….

On His Mustache: It’s growing. The first few weeks of having it were pretty tacky and it really wasn’t there as much as it might have appeared on TV. But now it’s actually [there]. It’s weird because I never seen any of the men in my family with facial hair, so I guess from my mom’s side it’s pretty thick.

On “Stealing” Gimmicks and Other Things: I call it stealing, just flat out stealing. Everyone who lives with me hates it because all I do, I watch either Netflix or Classics on Demand because I still get a kick out of different elements of sports entertainment, so I see something every week. Whether I remember [something] when I get there and I’m nervous as hell on Monday or Tuesday but I always try to watch guys that have that side to them like the moves they did. The stuff they did in between the moves is just amazing to me. I still remember today, so I try to steal something pretty regularly. Man, I look at it this way, if a guy’s retired, it depends on how popular it was. Like you can’t just steal something, there’s backlash when you try to steal something that was super, super popular. I like it when guys steal stuff that was popular, but it’s more you’re doing it your own way. As far as moves go, if a guy out…fair game. If you put him out…it’s fair game. I don’t know what I’m going to steal from Booker T. I’ve literally tried that spin around sunset flip in the corner 50 times and fallen on my head twice so I’ve got to steal something from him.

On Working With Damien Sandow: He has a little devotional book and there’s a lot of that information in there. That’s something he’s very into. Very few people help him with that. If you tried to write something for Damien, it would probably backfire because he knows something that’s better. But for the quotes — like the T.S. Elliot quotes and things like that — they pale in comparison to the little things. I’ll watch one of our segments and he just makes me laugh at how he gasps at certain things, how he’ll be talking while you’re talking but what he is saying is rather funny. I think he told me this past Monday “good form” on an absolutely horrible, horrible high-class joke but it made the joke funny because he said, “Good form.” He’s brilliant, he’s one of the better guys on the mic in years.

On The Legendary Tag team He Would Like To Work With: In a hypothetical situation, it would be The Freebirds, and I would say [Terry] Gordie and [Michael] Hayes of the Freebirds because Michael has been instrumental in my career. He has been a guiding light for me. And I forget sometimes, until I go back and look at footage of him when he was 21 or 22 years old, tearing up the World Class Championship Wrestling territory, just setting it on fire. And it would be a good opportunity for someone like Damien and me to watch and learn, especially from two guys like that. Midnight and the Rock and Rolls is a very obvious selection, but The Freebirds, Gordie and Hayes would be fun, personally for me and Damien. We make fun of Michael on the road regularly, it would be a lot of fun.

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