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Jeff Hardy Shares His First Failed Pitch In AEW

It’s no secret that wrestlers in AEW have more creative freedom than those in WWE because Vince McMahon is so hands-on with everything.

However, Jeff Hardy noted during a recent appearance on Talk is Jericho that his first pitch in AEW got shot down by Tony Khan.

“I feel limitless, you know?” Hardy said. “God, there are so many ideas. I pitched my first idea but it didn’t go through. For my singles matches, I thought it’d be cool for us to have different music, and that Hardy Boyz music just be the Hardy Boyz music. I was going to use one of my new songs … But it would be like a ‘WTF’ moment because, ‘What are we listening to? We’ve never heard this before.’ I think it would grow on people. But that’s the first thing I’ve really said. But yeah, the freedom feels amazing. My ideas are overflowing, so I just need to keep writing and keep pitching.”

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Andrew Ravens
Tags Jeff Hardy

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