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WWE NXT UK Results: February 20, 2020

NXT UK, Gallus comes to collect!

In order to settle the score from NXT UK TakeOver: Blackpool II, Joe Coffey goes 1v1 with Ilja Dragunov! Will the Iron King make the Moscow Madman pay?


  • Joseph Conners VS Tyler Bate; Bate wins.
  • Noam Dar VS Josh Morrell; Dar wins.
  • Joe Coffey VS Ilja Dragunov; Dragunov wins.


Joseph Conners VS Tyler Bate!

The Righteous Killer is done playing with “shiny new toys,” but he does want to break the Big Strong Boy! Will a match against #TakeOverTyler prove to everyone that Conners is worthy?

The bell rings and Conners circles with Bate. Fans cheer for the Big Strong Boy as he headlocks to a takeover. Conners headscissors but Bate pops out to run into an arm-drag. Bate headscissors but Conners pops out, and Bate ducks an enziguri. Conners sees Bop up and scrambles away! Bate grins and fans cheer as Conner scowls. Conners and Bate circle again and tie up. Fans sing for Bate as he headlocks. Conners powers out, Bate handsprings over and then huricanranas! Conners is right up, to get a dropkick! And another! Conners flops out of the ring and is completely frustrated. He grabs a chair from security, but the ref tells him to put it down. Bate watches closely as Conners drops the chair. Conners cools off and gets in the ring.

Conners rushes Bate but Bate throws him around with an arm-drag! And another! Bate has an armlock and grinds Conners down. Conners pulls hair and puts Bate in a corner. Conners whips, Bate reverses and monkey flips Conners out! Fans cheer as Bate kips up and runs corner to corner, but Conners blocks the flip to put Bate up top. Conners throws a haymaker but Bate gives it back. Conners shoves Bate off the top! Bate crashes ‘n’ burns from apron to floor! Conners slips out the side to go after Bate, scoop and snake eyes to the apron! The ref counts as Conners clubs Bate on the back. Conners puts Bate in and covers, TWO! Fans troll Conners with “You’re Not Worthy!” as Conners rams knees into Bate’s back.

Conners drags Bate up, reels him in and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Conners grows angry and stomps Bate down. Fans chant “Tyler’s Worthy!” as Conners whips him to ropes. Conners elbows Bate down! Cover, TWO! Bate gets to the ropes but Conners stands on his neck! The ref counts and Conners lets up at 4. Fans rally and sing for Bate but Conners drags him up to snapmare and chinbar. Conners cranks on the neck but fans rally up again. Bate works his way up and throws elbows. Bate throws European Uppercuts over and over, but Conners counters to a backslide! Conners can’t get Bate all the way down, and the Big Strong Boy reverses the hooks! Bate gets Conners down, TWO!

Bate brings Conners in but Conners spins out to throw Bate at a corner. Conners runs in but blocks Bate’s boot. Bate pries free and knee lifts! Bate hops up and leaps for a flying uppercut! Conners goes to a corner, Bate runs corner to corner, for a big EuroUpper! Bate goes again but Conners follows! Conners leaps but Bate catches him! EXPLODER! Fans cheer as Bate kips up to Standing Shooting Star! Cover, TWO! Conners grits his teeth as fans cheer for “NXT! NXT!” Bate stalks Conners and says it’s time to go for a spin. Fireman’s carry, AIRPLANE SPIN! Around and around and around, but Conners slips out to a sunset flip! TWO and Bate has the matchbook stack, TWO! Bate baits Conners in, Bop and BANG! Roll up, TWO!! Conners survives but fans cheer the back and forth.

Bate gets up as fans rally again. Conners crawls around, Bate brings him up and underhooks. Conners back drops, waistlocks, back suplexes, but Bate lands on his feet! Bate dodges and rebounds but Conners ducks the lariat, to hit a twisting bulldog! Cover, TWO! Conners drags Bate to a drop zone, goes up, and MOONSAULT FLOPS! Bate drags himself to the apron as Conners flounders on the mat. Bate goes up top as fans sing again. Conners stands, gets under Bate’s leap, but Bate hurdles over Conners! Bate runs into the tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Conners runs to clothesline Bate out of the ring! And then DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp, Conners puts Bate in quick. Conners slingshots for the COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Conners is losing his cool as he glares down at Bate.

Conners puts Bate in a corner and throws heavy hands! The ref counts, Conners lets up at 4, just to give more! Conners stomps a mudhole all the way to 4, and then shouts, “You took everything!” Bate counter punches Conners and we have a boxing brawl! Fans fire up as the fists fly! Conners kicks a leg out and UPPERCUTS! ROLLING KICK from Bate! Bate drags Conners up, underhooks, but Conners slips out of the lift. Conners scrambles out of the ring but Bate FLIES! The Big Strong Conjilo hits! Bate brings Conners up but Conners elbows him away. Bate runs into a drop toehold, that drops him on the chair! The chair still comes into play!

Conners fires up and puts Bate in the ring. Conners drags Bate up, scooping Michinoku Driver! Cover, TWO!! Bate survives and reminds us why he is TakeOver worthy! Fans rally up as Conners looms over Bate. Conners drags Bate up, picks him up, “DON’T! LOOK!” But Bate DDT’s out! Bate BUZZSAWS Conners, then rebound LARIATS! Bate underhooks, lifts, TYLER DRIVER ’97! Cover, Bate wins!

Winner: Tyler Bate, by pinfall

Worthy or otherwise, Conners does not defeat Bate! Will Bate prove himself worthy of TakeOver again? Is there still time for Conners to do the same?

NXT UK previews next week’s Women’s Championship I Quit match!

“Think about the worst person you’ve ever met.” Notice how they always seem to get what they want. Kay Lee Ray has no remorse or pity for Toni Storm, because now she is the champion, and Toni is never getting the title back. Toni says KLR is selfish, with no regard for anyone else. She does what she wants, and takes and takes and takes. KLR says Toni is just one push away from being “done,” and KLR wants to give her that push. Their title match will be Toni admitting that she’s not good enough. KLR VS Storm, one more time, and perhaps one last time.

Toni vows that after everything KLR has done to her, this finally ends. One way another, this is settled. “Toni Time is over.” KLR beat her once 1v1, did it in a Triple Threat, she has Toni’s number. No woman can beat her. But with no rules to stop Toni, she will do anything and everything she has to. If KLR expects any less, then she never really knew Toni at all. When we hear the two words, “I Quit,” will we then hear the two words, “And STILL”? Or “And NEW”?

NXT UK General Manager and Assistant GM held a meeting backstage.

Johnny Saint and Sid Scala brought Dave Mastiff and NXT UK Champion, Walter, face to face in an office for a contract signing. Given the recent events between the Bomber and the Ring General, there will be an NXT UK Championship title match in two weeks. It will be Walter VS Mastiff! Mastiff thanks management for the opportunity, but Walter says this is them doing him a “favor.” Walter says Mastiff must think himself a “proper British heavyweight.” But Walter says he is the BEST heavyweight in the world. His title is not going anywhere. Will Mastiff change all that when these behemoths do battle?

Jinny interrupts NXT UK Commentary to speak.

“The Queen of NXT UK will now address you.” Jinny says that ever since she was a little girl, every command given had always been obeyed. So when her previous associate, Jazzy Gabert, disobeyed her, that was the end of her career here. Jinny does not tolerate insolence or unprofessional-ism, nor does she tolerate disobedience. Jinny made Jazzy relevant, and gave her her 15 minutes of fame, that went to waste. She might do the same for another, IF they’re lucky enough to be associated with her. “But for now, it’s about one person and one person only. And that is the Queen of NXT UK.” And no one will ever disrespect Jinny again. The self-proclaimed queen has spoken, but will the Spoiled Princess get her way?

Noam Dar VS Josh Morrell!

The Scottish Supernova is back again! But has his rather long holiday (vacation for Americans) put some rust on Mr. Supernova 11?

The bell rings and there are some actual Dar fans here. Dar circles with Morrell and ties up. They go to a corner and Dar talks trash to the “wee man” who is actually a touch taller than Dar. Dar backs off with a push and double pinkies out. Morrell keeps his cool and circles with Dar again. They tie up, Dar puts Morrell back in a corner, and again pushes. Morrell pushes back! Dar and Morrell circle and tie up, Dar waistlocks and drags Morrell down to slap him around. Morrell gets mad but Dar uses the ropes to protect himself. The ref has Morrell back off and Dar comes out. Dar challenges Morrell to a test of strength. Morrell accepts and the two tie up. They go shoulder to shoulder, Dar kicks one hand away to SLAP Morrell! Morrell SLAPS back!

Dar flounders but then he grabs Morrell’s arm! Dar wrenches but Morrell rolls, cartwheels, handsprings and wrenches back. Morrell has the waistlock but Dar kicks back! Dar whips but Morrell reverses. Dar holds ropes then table tops Morrell! Morrell dodges the Penalty Kick and dropkicks Dar down! Morrell puts Dar in a corner, snapmares him out and standing moonsaults! Dar gets clear but Morrell lands on his feet! Morrell runs at Dar in the corner and hits an uppercut! Morrell whips corner to corner, Dar hits buckles hard, and Morrell runs in to hit a big uppercut! Dar flounders more and Morrell covers, TWO! Morrell goes to a corner as fans rally. Morrell hops up, up and Arabian Press! Cover, TWO!

Dar survives that creative moonsault but Morrell drags him up. Dar suplexes back! But Morrell cradle counters! TWO!! Morrell is up but Dar dumps him out! Morrell has a bad landing but is still on his feet. Dar ducks the punch to sweep the legs! Morrell lands hard on the apron again, but Dar drags him up to arm-drag him in! Dar runs to hit a sliding forearm! Cover, TWO!! Morrell still lives but Dar rains down left hands and even elbows! Dar has a sleeper hold but Morrell scrambles to the ropebreak! Dar lets go and Morrell flounders up. Fans sing as Dar KICKS Morrell against the ropes. Dar throws body shots but stops at the ref’s count of 4. Dar walks into Morrell’s right hand!

Morrell throws uppercuts and whips, but Dar reverses. Morrell goes up, tornillo but Dar gets clear, yet Morrell again lands on his feet! Only for Dar to sweep the legs! Fans boo as Dar puts pinkies out and aims from a corner. NOVA ROLLA!! Cover, Dar wins!

Winner: Noam Dar, by pinfall

The Scottish Supernova celebrates by imitating a dog burying a bone. Will Dar turn it up to 11 to finally get himself back to a title match?

The Hunt speak.

“Grizzled. Young. Veterans!” Wild Boar and Primate what they said, and it seems they’re looking to the future. Where they should be looking is over their shoulders! The Hunt is coming, and the GYV are the hunted! Will Zack Gibson and James Drake regret riling up these wild animals?

The next NXT UK TakeOver is set!

Just as first announced via NXT TakeOver: Portland, the newest and hottest brand is heading to Ireland! April 26th, 2020, NXT UK TakeOver: Dublin makes history!

NXT UK Media interviews Jordan Devlin.

The Irish Ace has been busy outside of the UK, because of the championship privileges he has being the NXT Cruiserweight Champion. He’s getting phone calls, text messages. Not from Johnny Saint, he probably doesn’t even own a cell phone. But Sid Scala is blowing up Devlin’s phone, wanting to bring him back to the brand. Devlin carried NXT UK on his back so much already, he just needs a little “R’n’R,” then he’ll be good.

Joe Coffey VS Ilja Dragunov!

The Iron King owes much to the Mad Russian as 2019 drew to a close. Dragunov’s willingness to take on Alexander Wolfe in a No Disqualification match was a major part of the deal that led to Walter VS Coffey for the title in Blackpool. But Dragunov and Wolfe running in is why Coffey lost in Blackpool. Now the debts owed must be settled! Who will be standing tall when it is all squared away in the squared circle?

The bell rings and Dragunov circles with Coffey. Coffey throws testing jabs but Dragunov keeps out of reach. Coffey dares Dragunov to bring it, Dragunov lunges in, but Dragunov gets back as Coffey sprawls to counter. They finally tie up and Coffey puts Dragunov on the ropes. Dragunov pushes his way off the ropes to get around the back. Dragunov wants sleeper but Coffey throws Dragunov down. Coffey wants the arm, Dragunov headscissors, but Coffey pops out. Fans cheer for Dragunov as he and Coffey go again. Coffey and Dragunov throw hands, stick ‘n’ move, and feel out a grapple. Dragunov gets a leg but Coffey facelock counters. Coffey holds on tight but Dragunov slips out to get after the sleeper again. Coffey throws Dragunov off again and goes back after the arm.

Dragunov resists but Coffey uses a leg to trap his head, and hammers away on the ribs! Dragunov pops out but into a headlock. Coffey throws Dragunov down and cranks on the neck. Fans rally up and Dragunov fights his way up. Dragunov powers out but Coffey runs him over. Dragunov is right up and headlock. Coffey powers out and runs Dragunov over again! Coffey stomps Dragunov then runs, but Dragunov follows. They collide, neither falls, but Dragunov strikes his fighting stance and has a fist right in Coffey’s face! Coffey doesn’t sweat it, he swats it away. And then crosses his arms. Fans boo as Coffey says, “Gallus Boys on top.” But Dragunov uses a finger to trace the scar on Coffey’s face. And then dares Coffey to bring it.

Coffey throws hands, Dragunov bobs ‘n’ weaves then whips to forearm Coffey against the ropes! Dragunov runs and leaps, into Coffey’s arms! But Dragunov kicks and flails and topples Coffey over! Cover, TWO! Dragunov drags Coffey up to throw hands and a BOOT! Coffey flops right out of the ring! Dragunov builds speed but uses the 619 to fake Coffey out. Coffey is up but Dragunov dropkicks him back down! Dragunov heads up top, and LEAPS for a SUPER crossbody! Direct hit takes Coffey out at the ramp and fans fire up! Dragunov drags Coffey up to the apron. Coffey resists so Dragunov clubs him on the back. Dragunov brings Coffey around the way to put him in and then climbs up again. Dragunov leaps but has to roll though as Coffey evades!

Coffey gives Dragunov the GLASGOW SENDOFF Spear! Dragunov hits the buckles then flops out of the ring! Coffey goes out to fetch Dragunov and throws body shots and haymakers. The ring count begins but Coffey throws more heavy hands! Dragunov CHOPS but Coffey just kicks back. Coffey whips, Dragunov reverses, but Coffey reverses back to send Dragunov into steel steps! Coffey refreshes the count and goes back to Dragunov, but Dragunov CHOPS! Dragunov climbs up to the apron and BOOTS Coffey! Coffey sweeps the legs and Dragunov crashes ‘n’ burns! Coffey drags Dragunov into the ring as fans rally up. Dragunov has a bad knee, fitting given what happened in Blackpool. Coffey sits Dragunov up to CHOP! Dragunov CHOPS back! Coffey throws a EuroUpper then STOMPS the bad knee! Dragunov staggers up and Coffey KICKS the legs out from under him!

Coffey drags Dragunov around by the legs and twists the knee. Coffey stomps the knee then drops a knee on the knee! Dragunov scrambles to a corner but Coffey is on his knee again. The ref backs Coffey off, Dragunov BOOTS with the good leg! Dragunov hops up but Coffey CHOPS and uppercuts! Coffey climbs up to join Dragunov, brings Dragunov up by his bad leg, SUPER SHIN BREAKER! Dragunov writhes in pain but Coffey shows no mercy! Coffey grabs the legs and pulls back, like a Boston Crab without the turn. It’s also a cover, ONE as Dragunov gets a shoulder up. Coffey pulls on the Zero Crab and starts turning Dragunov for a Full Crab! Dragunov endures and fans rally up as Coffey sits deep! Dragunov powers up and drags himself to the ROPEBREAK!

Coffey holds on until the ref counts 4, doing as much damage as he can. Fans still cheer for Dragunov as Coffey stomps the knees. Coffey grabs the legs again but Dragunov resists. Dragunov uses the good leg to kick free, then throws hands. Coffey gives hands back and he goes after the bad leg. Coffey gets Dragunov down but Dragunov elbows. Fans sign for Dragunov to the tune of “Mah Na Mah Na.” Dragunov uses his good leg to kick and kick and kick until Coffey lets go! Fans still sing as Dragunov and Coffey get up. Dragunov baits Coffey in, but then Coffey Electric Chairs, to a waistlock! Dragunov elbows free but Coffey clubs him back!

Coffey whips, Dragunov 619’s but the “Constantine Special” is swatted! Coffey spins but no best for the bells as Dragunov dodges. Dragunov swings, Coffey ducks, but here comes the left! Fans fire up as Dragunov has Coffey down! Dragunov hobbles on one leg as Coffey gets to a corner. Dragunov manages to run corner to corner to hit a big knee! He waistlocks Coffey but Coffey resists. Coffey elbows free and LARIATS! Dragunov stays up, to enziguri! Dragunov Gotch scoops, for a RUSSIAN Suplex! Bridging cover, TWO!! The bad leg surely held Dragunov back on the pin but Dragunov doesn’t let that bother him. Dragunov goes to a corner, climbs up top on one leg, and SUPER SENTONS! Cover, TWO!! Coffey still lives and fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!”

Dragunov and Coffey flounder to adjacent corners. Dragunov drags himself to the top rope again, but the bad leg keeps him from perching. Coffey runs over to SHORYUKEN! And again! And again! Coffey roars as he goes up to join Dragunov. He brings Dragunov up, but Dragunov fights back! Coffey wobbles back but gets up. Dragunov SLAPS, SLAPS, SLAPS and HEADBUTTS! But Coffey still grabs Dragunov for a SUPER BELLY2BELLY!! Both men are down but York is thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Dragunov is in a corner again as fans rally up. Coffey runs corner to corner, but into a KNEE! Dragunov KNEES Coffey, but Coffey throws a big right! Dragunov back hands but Coffey lariats! Coffey runs, spins, but into a fireman’s carry! Dragunov can’t hold him and Coffey is free.

Coffey runs in, but the Sendoff is sent into the post! Dragunov gets up, fireman’s carries, and Death Valley Driver into the corner! Coffey is down and Dragunov works to get his knee working. Dragunov has fans rallying behind him as he scoots to the adjacent corner. Dragunov climbs up top as Coffey stands. Coffey flops back down, Dragunov leaps for COAST 2 COAST! Dragunov may have done just as much damage to his knee as he did to Coffey, but he still gets fans to join in on “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!” Coffey stands up to shout, “MY Kingdom!” Coffey spins, into the TORPEDO MOSCOW!! Cover, Dragunov wins!!

Winner: Ilja Dragunov, by pinfall

The debt has been settled, and it is the Mad Russian that comes out on top! York gives these two a standing ovation for the amazing main event they just gave the world! Gallus’ Mark Coffey and Wolfgang return, but Joe keeps them back. Dragunov sees he’s outnumbered but the Iron King wants this to be peaceful. Joe hobbles over to Dragunov, and says, “You’ve paid your debt. We’re all square.” Fans cheer this showing of respect. Will there come a time when Dragunov and the Iron King must battle again?

My Thoughts:

This was a really good episode right here! Now, there was no formal announcement here but we all know that TakeOver: Dublin is the next stop for NXT UK. With Blackpool becoming a New Year tradition and there still certainly a Summer TakeOver a la Cardiff, can we expect there to be four UK TakeOvers this year? Basically once every three months for the calendar seasons of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. I’m sure Devlin starts a program for Dublin with March episodes, as his promo here suggested NXT UK management wants him back while he’s going all over the States with NXT and 205 Live. Bate VS Conners was a really good opener, and I hope we get more out of these two. Not to be a broken record, but midcard title for Dublin, involving these guys?

I appreciate them giving Jinny a promo with a unique presentation to play up her character, and that this promo was a way to kayfabe away Jazzy Gabert after her leaving NXT UK and wrestling altogether. Jinny searching for a new sidekick could make for a good story, too. Maybe it should be Killer Kelly, who has a character perfect for being the muscle to a mastermind. The hype video for next week’s I Quit was amazing work, and that match is going to be insane. But with slightly more Faces than Heels in the NXT UK Women’s Division, it just makes more sense if KLR retains and a new Face moves up, and perhaps Toni joins NXT USA a la Pete Dunne.

Dar VS Morrell was a surprisingly good match. Morrell could be someone that moves up from jobber to solid competitor with matches like this. Dar should get back in on the NXT Cruiserweight Championship while Devlin has it. A program of Devlin and Dar would be a great one, regardless of who is Heel or Face. Honestly, keep them both Heel if possible. The announcement of Walter VS Mastiff for the title is great, but again, it’s pretty clear Walter will retain. Coffey VS Dragunov was incredible! How about that for a midcard title possibility? And I really, really like that Gallus hasn’t truly turned back to Heel. Joe keeps the peace and has respect for Dragunov after this match, a rematch of these two would be amazing.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Published by
Steven Mitchell

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