Friday, May 10, 2024
Editorial*Exclusive* Indy Circuit Spotlight….The Living Legacy Timothy Zbyszko

*Exclusive* Indy Circuit Spotlight….The Living Legacy Timothy Zbyszko



Tim Zbyszko is the nephew of Greg Gagne, the son of Hall of Famer Larry Zbyszko and the grandson of Verne Gagne. Tim started his training in Orlando and made his in-ring debut in 2012 for “I Believe in Wrestling” with a win over Gorilla Hanley. Tim continued to pick up wins and along the way and has won two tag team championships.

Along the way of making a name for himself, Tim Zbyszko won the prestigious award of 2013 Rookie of the Year in professional wrestling. Pro Wrestling Illustrated announced the votes and it wasn’t even close. After winning the award, Tim had this to say:

“It’s a great honor to join the list of wrestlers that have won this award before me and it’s a special honor as well to have won the same award my father won in 1974, keeping the Zbyszko name relevant in this era and into the future.” –Tim Zbyszko

He is a second generation superstar who is known for his extensive work regiment and relentless motor that continues to turn. As an added tidbit, he also submitted a video for WWE Tough Enough in the hopes of being recognized as the next big thing.

By following the Independent Circuit and reading about the wrestlers and their storied careers, I am able to catch up with some of them and conduct an interview from time to time, which allows them to share with us their story. Recently I was able to catch up with Tim and he was gracious enough to put a halt to his busy schedule to discuss his career, future, and accomplishments. This is what he had to say.

When did your pro wrestling career begin?

My pro wrestling career began when I took my first bump. After that I was hooked.

What federations have you worked for along the way?

I have worked for FIP, EVOLVE, KAIJUU BIG BATTLE, USWA, VINTAGE, ENIGMA, CWE (Port St. Lucie FL), PWX (Orlando, FL) and many more. Mostly in FL as well as GA, and California.

How could you explain the life of an independent wrestler?

I’d explain it simply like this. Stay ready for the big call up, don’t get trapped in the muck of perennial Indy workers, stay focused on your ultimate goal. IT consists of lots of hard work, with little payoff money wise, all just trying to make it to the big time. It is extremely hard to stay positive sometimes, but in the end that’s the challenge.

Do you pay attention to other federations or follow other wrestlers?

I pay attention to WWE and have several favorites on the Indies like Cody Hall and Alex Kai.

What would be your dream match? ­

Dream match would be against Y2J Chris Jericho. The match would consist of a war of words between him and my father that fueled a battle between me and Chris in the ring.

What would you say is your greatest accomplishment in the sport of professional wrestling?

My greatest accomplishment to date is winning the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rookie Of the Year award in 2013.

What is your most memorable match? ­

My most memorable match so far was against Cody hall on IPPV at the superstars of wrestling fan fest in a ladder match for their heavyweight title. Available on high spots.

Who are/were some your favorite wrestlers and why?

Scott Hall – charisma , great move set, looks awesome

Kane – versatile , great gimmick

Randy Orton – Great wrestler, smooth performer, looks evil

Ultimate Warrior – he beat Hogan when I was a kid and that’s all I ever wanted
to see lol

The Rock – mic skills mic skills mic skills

Ric Flair – great at everything and true legend

What needs to be accomplished in your ­eyes to be able to look back and call your career a success when it’s all over?

I always feel it’s been a success ever since I started living this dream and chasing the ultimate prize. I love wrestling and don’t want to be anything else. To have many more years in the business and one day
open a school of my own would let me look back and smile.

***Hopefully you enjoyed this interview and learned some new and interesting things about The Living Legacy Timothy Zbyszko. I would like to personally thank Tim for taking the time to share with me his stories so I could share them with all of you. For more information you can follow Tim on Facebook at

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