To combat the looming threat of Dexter Lumis, The Miz has taken to employing personal bodyguards to keep himself safe.
The “Miz-Force” made their debut on Monday’s episode of RAW, but unfortunately, they were no match for Lumis. The silent stalker was able to subdue all of the Miz-Force before getting to The Miz himself. The identities of the guards have now been made known, thanks to a post on Twitter.
According to a report from The Local Competitor, the independent wrestlers playing the security team were Michael Richard Blais, Andrew Love, Bobby Schink, Jack Bride, Steven Crowe, and Amanuel. You can view the tweet, and a video of Lumis’ attack on The Miz, below:
On the new @WWE RAW: Who was in The Miz's @mikethemiz Miz-Force?
The following security guards appeared on RAW: Michael Richard Blais @GodsGiftMRB, Jack Pride @JackPr7de, Steven Crowe @heyosteven, Amanuel, Andrew Love @AndrewMcLovin00, & Bobby Schink.#WWE #RAW #WWERaw
— The Local Competitor (@LocalCompWWE) September 28, 2022
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