Friday, July 26, 2024
EditorialAEW Revolution Fallout, NXT Roadblock Predictions and More (Monday Morning Q&A)

AEW Revolution Fallout, NXT Roadblock Predictions and More (Monday Morning Q&A)



Welcome back to another Monday Morning Q&A where I toss out some questions to get a feel of how you guys and gals are feeling about certain topics.

So here are 5 questions I’d like to toss out for this week. I’ll give my answers, too, but the key here is that I want to know what YOU think! So make sure you chime in!

1) With Sting and Darby Allin relinquishing the AEW World Tag Team Championships, who would you like to see win the vacated titles next?

Realistically, Blackpool Combat Club seems like the best choice. The Young Bucks could certainly work, going through a tournament and coming out heel champions with this current persona. But Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli holding the titles would be a nice way to give BCC something to do without having to revolve around massive stable warfare.

Any number of other tag teams could win and it wouldn’t send me into a spiral. Obviously, I’d rather not see a jobber duo capture the belts and run them into the ground, but almost anyone could feasibly win the gold next and it wouldn’t stun me.

2) What are your predictions for NXT Roadblock?

  • Joe Gacy wins the Asylum Match against Dijak
  • The Wolf Dogs retain their tag titles over Chase U
  • The Kabuki Warriors definitely retain their tag titles over Lyra Valkyria & Tatum Paxley. I’d bet the house on that one.
  • Shawn Spears beats whoever he’s up against
  • Carmelo Hayes wins the No. 1 Contender’s match over Tony D’Angelo, but I think Trick Williams is going to show up and in some way, get involved where it becomes a Triple Threat that doesn’t include D’Angelo. I’m not sure why Tony D is involved in the first place, to be honest, unless they’re actually looking at doing Melo against Trick in a non-title match and throwing D’Angelo out there to fight Dragunov for the title, which seems odd to me.

3) Virgil passed away this week. When you think of his career, what springs to your mind as his legacy or your fondest memories or anything of that sort?

The first thing that comes to me is the most obvious answer. If I think of Virgil, I think of him turning on Ted DiBiase, pulling off a great babyface switch, and telling the story of him winning the Million Dollar Championship.

That was his peak, as far as I’m concerned. Nothing else he did after that even sniffed that level of importance to his career.

On a side note, he was the replacement for Doink the Clown on either the very first wrestling event I ever attended, or if it wasn’t the first, it was one of the first 3. It was a local show in my middle school gymnasium and he fought King Kong Bundy, the brother of my gym teacher. That was wild to me, so that’s always got a special place in my heart related to Virgil for that, too.

4) Tama Tonga supposedly has signed with WWE. How would you book him, and if you think WWE will go a different route, what is your prediction for how he’ll be used?

A lot of people go straight to him joining The Bloodline. I don’t think that’s necessarily going to happen. First off, the familial relation is a bit convoluted, as he’s kind of considered part of it, like Lance Anoa’i saying he’s basically family, but WWE didn’t include him in that big family tree graphic, correct? Now, for argument’s sake, Paul Heyman and Sami Zayn are OBVIOUSLY not part of the family, but they were brought into the stable, so that means anyone can be associated with The Bloodline without needing to be a direct descendant.

But I think we’ll actually see him joining the NXT roster to help add someone to that mix while a few of the other Superstars there have been moving up to the main roster. Think about how that brand is losing Tiffany Stratton, Bron Breakker, they already lost The Creed Brothers, Carmelo Hayes is surely not far off, and I’m sure several others will join Raw or SmackDown not too long after WrestleMania. Maybe Tama Tonga will be brought in to bolster those ranks?

I’d go that direction rather than putting him straight on the main roster. However, if he DOES go straight to Raw or SmackDown, I think The Bloodline is the only way to do it without it seeming strange. But hopefully, that’s a Bloodline without Roman Reigns or The Rock as champion, and it’s more so that Tonga is brought in to help offset an absence from Reigns and Rock post-Mania while Cody Rhodes is champion.

5) With Sting wrapping up his career, if you could go back in time and give him one dream match that never happened, who would you choose as his opponent?

Easily, I’d pick a WrestleMania match against The Undertaker back when the streak was still in tact.

There are a lot of people I think could have had amazing feuds with Sting. Shawn Michaels immediately springs to mind, naturally, as my favorite of all time. But a one-off match against The Undertaker, full of theatrics, on The Grandest Stage of Them All? Forget about it.

Every time I do any kind of fantasy booking stuff that gives me the opportunity, I always book this on my card. I think it’s one of WWE’s most glaring mistakes not having done this when they finally had the opportunity.

Let us know your thoughts about these questions by answering them in the comments!

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