Friday, September 20, 2024
EditorialMore On Linda McMahon Working On A New Business Project Outside Of...

More On Linda McMahon Working On A New Business Project Outside Of WWE


TRENDING and David Collins had an interview scheduled with Linda McMahon this week, but it was cancelled on short notice. According to the report, McMahon is working on a new business venture, and she wanted to give the interview at a later date when she could discuss the project more.

As Andy noted earlier this morning here on, the interview was set to be held at the offices of a company called “McMahon Ventures,” which is in a different building than WWE’s home office in Stamford, Connecticut. A WWE spokesperson told Collins the following statement:

“She [Linda] is working on a project she isn’t quite ready to unveil and feels she would give a ‘meatier’ interview at a later date when she has more she can say.”

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