Monday, June 3, 2024
EditorialWhere Should WWE's Newest Releases Go Next? MITB Qualifiers & Monday Morning...

Where Should WWE’s Newest Releases Go Next? MITB Qualifiers & Monday Morning Q&A



Welcome back to another Monday Morning Q&A where I toss out some questions to get a feel of how you guys and gals are feeling about certain topics.

So here are 5 questions I’d like to toss out for June 28, 2021. I’ll give my answers, too, but the key here is that I want to know what YOU think! So make sure you chime in!

1) If you had any say in the matter, where would you like to see the newest round of WWE’s released Superstars go in the future?

  • Ariya Daivari = I think he’d work best in NWA, but I’m expecting him in Impact.
  • Arturo Ruas = Tour the indies and possibly get into more legit fighting instead of pro wrestling.
  • August Grey = Tour the indies. Wrestle for AEW Dark. Settle roots in ROH.
  • The Bollywood Boyz (Samir Singh & Sunil Singh) = I’d expecting Impact, but maybe they get in with AEW, which is great for tag teams.
  • Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) = Breeze should definitely go to AEW. Hands down. No questions. Fandango wouldn’t be shocking to me if he stops wrestling, but if he keeps it up, maybe Impact if he doesn’t come packaged in with Breeze and remain a tag team. I don’t anticipate them sticking together, though.
  • Curt Stallion = This guy will go through the indies, wrestle on AEW Dark and all over the place.
  • Ever-Rise (Chase Parker & Matt Martel) = Impact or AEW.
  • Killian Dain = He’d be a great asset for AEW, but I think he’ll end up in Impact or doing the indie circuit.
  • Marina Shafir = I don’t think she’s wrestling anymore anywhere, to be honest.
  • Tino Sabbatelli = Considering how weird things were with AEW and the speculation he was the spy leaking the Dynamite results, I don’t know where he’s going. I could see MLW or NWA working out best for him, though, if he even still wants to wrestle anymore.
  • Tony Nese = This guy would be so great for AEW it’s not even funny. I hope they snatch him up. Frankly, I think he’ll work better in any other company than he was working out in WWE the past few years.

2) Who do you think will get the remaining spots in the men’s Money in the Bank ladder matches?

On Raw’s men’s Triple Threat match (AJ Styles, Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton) I’m leaning more toward McIntyre, but I can see a case for Orton. Styles makes no sense to me, since he and Omos can defend the Raw Tag Team Championship on the card against The Viking Raiders.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens has me intrigued. I can see both winning and I can see why neither would. Right now, I’m expecting Zayn to win by a slight margin after someone helps him out and takes out Owens, since it’s a Last Man Standing match.

The final two spots on the men’s side for SmackDown are totally up in the air. So far, they’ve yet to announce those qualifying matches. My blind guesses are some combination of either both Cesaro and Seth Rollins (if they aren’t fighting in another match outside of this) or one of those two mixed with Shinsuke Nakamura. There’s a solid chance Jimmy Uso gets in, though. I don’t think Baron Corbin gets in, nor do I think a random spot goes to Angelo Dawkins, Otis, Chad Gable, Commander Azeez, or a number of others on the blue brand.

3) Assuming Bayley fights Bianca Belair yet again at Money in the Bank, are you okay with it? If not, what would you do instead?

No, I’m not okay with it. Not only did they have enough rematches already, but they didn’t even find a worthwhile justification to have the match at Hell in a Cell. Bayley laughed at her, so Belair calls out that she wants to defend the title? That’s dumb. Then, they did it, and they had a fight inside the cage itself, which should be a feud-ender. Belair won yet again. Going back to the Bayley well just proves WWE has absolutely nothing else going on and wants to keep copying and pasting rather than put in the effort to think of anything else. That’s lazy, uninspired, and flat out not doing your job as a “creative” writer.

What would I do differently? Well, for starters, I wouldn’t be in this position where I’d have virtually nobody on the roster as options. At this point, I’d have more than enough women on SmackDown to compensate for Money in the Bank AND to have a proper challenger for Belair.

The first step in fixing a problem is preventing it. WWE’s been around long enough to know these lessons, as they should have learned from this very same mistake thousands of times by now.

4) As expected, Jungle Boy came up short against Kenny Omega, but put up a great shot. Who do you think is next in line for a title opportunity?

It has to be Christian Cage, right? I’d assume he’ll set aside his feud with Matt Hardy in the meantime and get a title shot at Fyter Fest or Fight for the Fallen.

Cage is a great choice for that spot, too. He’s a former world champion and a legend, so he can get a quick title shot without question. Then, he can both simultaneously teach some lessons to Omega while also allowing Omega to fill in the blanks and not so much “carry him” (since he’s still rock solid in the ring), but keep up the pace to a level that will give Cage likely his best match possible.

Then, once Omega wins, he’s beaten a big name who can lose and not suffer any credibility setbacks.

5) AEW has been on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Which do you prefer?

At this point, since NXT isn’t on the same night, I’d rather them stick to Wednesdays. However, I’ll admit that I do like the Saturday night time slot, too. Friday nights I’m not in the slightest bit a fan of since it’s all jumbled up again between SmackDown, 205 Live and Dynamite. I’m not looking forward to Rampage forcing that to be a weekly thing, that’s for sure.

Let us know your thoughts about these questions by answering them in the comments!

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