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EditorialWWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 Preview: Full Card, Match Predictions &...

WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 Preview: Full Card, Match Predictions & More



WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 is coming up this Saturday and before the event takes place, let’s run down everything you need to know about the upcoming pay-per-view.

Who is scheduled for the card? How interesting does the show seem? What’s going to happen with all the matches?

Here is a full preview of WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024.


Date: Saturday, April 6, 2024

Start Time: 11 a.m. ET (countdown pre-show), 12 p.m. ET (main show)

Location: Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


(as currently advertised; card is always subject to change)

Temperature Scale = Scorching > Hot > Lukewarm > Temperate > Chilly > Cold > Freezing

Heat Index is my assessment of how interesting the segment is, including how excited I am for the match and how intriguing the feud has been. The hotter, the better. Scorching translates to not being able to wait to see it, while Freezing means I couldn’t possibly care less and think it will be awful.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams

Heat Index = Scorching
Prediction: Trick Williams wins.

Thoughts: Good on these guys for being the main event. I’m surprised it isn’t an Unsanctioned Match or some other gimmick. Ultimately, this has to be a win for Trick. He gets his revenge, Melo has his swan song in NXT and gets called up to the main roster a few weeks later in the WWE Draft, and Trick gets to move on as maybe the guy to beat D’Angelo for the NXT Championship. Trick is way too over as THE guy right now not to strap the rocket to him.

Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

Heat Index = Lukewarm
Prediction: Tony D’Angelo wins.

Thoughts: I’m far from sold that this was the best course of action for the title, but I’ll buy it a lot more than the women’s championship match, that’s for sure. This feels like an obvious Tony D win. Dragunov is stale as champion. D’Angelo just got a new member recruited to his family and they’ve been all slowly heading toward a heel turn, from my perspective. We’ll see some cheating going on, a new champion crowned, a reset for the title picture and Dragunov can go to Raw or SmackDown in the coming weeks.

Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez

Heat Index = Cold
Prediction: Roxanne Perez wins.

Thoughts: Ugh. This was the best they had to offer? A rematch of the previous event, but with even less interesting elements to it? Roxanne is awful as a heel. I’m sorry. The girl’s super talented in the ring, but she cannot cut a convincing heel promo to save her life. Valkyria’s been the weakest women’s champion since Ember Moon, too, so it’s not like there’s any real saving grace here. Just rip the band-aid off as quickly as possible. Put the belt on Perez, and let’s fast-forward her next couple feuds until someone beats her. I’m not interested in this in the slightest, which is a shame, as both these girls have a lot of potential and I’ve seen them pull off some good stuff. Sometimes, a feud is just a dud, though.

The Wolf Dogs (c) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

Heat Index = Temperate
Prediction: The Wolf Dogs win.

Thoughts: I’m floored this isn’t The Good Brothers fighting for the titles. That felt like a guarantee. Now, I’m curious if Axiom and Frazer were always the plan (and if that’s the case, why) or if this was a last-minute adjustment (and if that’s the case, why). Since I was so wrong about this, I have a voice in my head saying their priority might be to put over Axiom and Frazer, even though logically, Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin should chew them up and spit them out. I’m way more 50/50 on this than I thought I would be. For now, I’ll go with The Wolf Dogs retaining, but something might be up here.

Oba Femi (c) vs. Dijak vs. Josh Briggs

Heat Index = Lukewarm
Prediction: Oba Femi wins.

Thoughts: Femi has a lot of up sides to him. Dijak is someone I perpetually wish had gotten an actual break earlier in his career and I think they overlooked him in a terrible way. Briggs is someone I’m really hoping they mold into a future world champion on the main roster. Neat. Let’s see what these guys can do. Femi isn’t dropping the belt, but I think it’ll be a fun journey to just see them all fight up until he scores that pinfall, likely on Dijak.

Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame

Heat Index = Temperate
Prediction: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan win.

Thoughts: Good on them for putting this on the card. Look, it’s not the most glorious storyline ever. I’ll admit that. But it’s been a big enough part of NXT for a long enough time that if Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne just finished their bit on television, I would think it would be a shame. This gets six women on the show (should’ve been 8 in my book with Wren Sinclair offsetting Jazmyn Nyx) and they all will have some time to shine. Hail will hopefully get her vengeance, although I think there’s a chance the heels win and Hail wins a singles match against Jayne instead. I’ll go for the simple answer for this prediction, though.


Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy

Heat Index = Lukewarm
Prediction: Shawn Spears wins.

Thoughts: I’ve been digging this gimmick for Joe Gacy WAY more than his Schism shtick. He’s not gone from one of my least favorite acts to my favorite or anything, but it’s been quite the turnaround. Now, I’m actually excited to see this match and what they have to offer. Spears should win to keep his momentum going, as NXT is going to need a top heel to replace Carmelo Hayes once Melo goes up to the main roster. Gacy can take the hit. If anything, losing just makes him more of a babyface underdog people can get behind. Assuming that’s their end goal, is to make him a Mick Foley type, well, Foley didn’t win as often as he lost.

How excited am I for the event as a whole?

Heat Index = Lukewarm

Thoughts: While there are some aspects of this card that could certainly be more grandiose, and it’s odd to me that the Heritage Cup isn’t represented, nor did Lexis King and Von Wagner get a spot on the card, I’m pleased with this, overall. This won’t be the best NXT pay-per-view ever, but it will probably be a rather solid show. I just can’t say I’m Hot about it because there isn’t anything groundbreaking I can see happening.

What do you think is going to happen at WWE NXT Stand and Deliver? Which matches are you most excited to see? Keep the discussion going in the comments below!

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