Saturday, July 27, 2024
NewsCaprice Coleman Says He Thinks ROH Will Return After Their Hiatus In...

Caprice Coleman Says He Thinks ROH Will Return After Their Hiatus In 2022



During a recent appearance on the “Wrestling Epicenter” podcast, Caprice Coleman commented on Ring of Honor taking a hiatus in the first quarter of 2022, whether he thinks the company will return or not, and more. You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On ROH’s hiatus: “We don’t know what’s next. But, we know something else is coming…Another version of Ring of Honor and so we just have to see what happens. Ring of Honor took care of us during the pandemic. So, my loyalty is with them. I don’t have any hard feelings. If you look back, they’ve always kept us in mind first looking at us as people and not numbers. So, I really hope what happens and something great comes out of it and Ring of Honor comes back stronger than ever before.”

On the uncertainty of the whole thing: “Most of it has to do with the timing. You know? You’re getting laid off around the Holidays… Your last check is coming right before Christmas. But, the emotions have also been emotions of encouragement. We are encouraging each other. “It’s all right, this is only for a season!” Some people are pulling out like it is already over. They’re writing us off. I’m saying, don’t write us off! Some people just look for bad news. They’re just harping on what they think is going to happen and they say it is so. I’m here to say it is not so. I think something great is going to happen.”

On looking ahead to Final Battle: “I think most of us are looking at going through this phase and ending it with a bang that way the last memory people have is of everyone going for the gusto. The people here believe in Ring of Honor! I believe we have the best roster that we have ever had. And, if you look at professional wrestling right now, everybody that is somebody came through Ring of Honor. he Young Bucks, Cody, Christopher Daniels… The main roster of AEW is like 33% of ours! (laughs) That is because Ring of Honor has a way of turning out the talent. These people didn’t go from Ring of Honor to a training center. They went from Ring of Honor straight to TV. We are the foundation of wrestling.”

On non-ROH talent talking about who they want their promotion to hire: “They aren’t doing anything wrong. Ring of Honor is taking a season off but people’s families aren’t taking a season off. (laughs) These athletes still have bills to pay. So, you might see athletes turn up other places. But, that does not mean Ring of Honor will not return or even that the athlete will not return to Ring of Honor. You never know what you’re going to see. But, I’m not discouraged by an athlete trying to find a way to feed his family.”

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