To be honest, I had some idiot comments from my previous list that I ignored because they lacked substance, reason and rational thought of any kind. However, I did have some amazing exchanges in healthy mature debate from VERY opinionated passionate wrestling fans that really opened my eyes on a few things but some things I still stand by, such as Cena being a complete tool (just kidding, I’ll stay professional here). With debate comes thought and I decided that this revised debate lists are not only more accurate but will generate even more discussion.
PLEASE join the discussion!!! Mature & rational debate is healthy. People nowadays are too high on their own horse to listen to other opinions than their own and stubborn in their ways. Instead of talking at one another, we should be talking with each other and this revised list was inspired by several of you fellow wrestling fanatics. Keep the debate alive and the comments coming!
Biggest Draws/Marketable, Money Making Superstars
5. Legion of Doom
4. The Rock
3. Steve Austin
2. John Cena
1. Hulk Hogan — Unfortunately, simply going into any store, Cena is everywhere and on everything, even kids underwear which is disturbing to say the least. Even though Hogan had 35 years in the business, Cena is like Austin but far younger and lasting way longer and remains a merchandise machine. If he just stays in the business another 5 years or so on top of his already 10 years, I believe he will surpass Hogan.
Wrestlers that could have been even greater! Careers cut too short
5. Chris Beniot
4. Edge
3. Sid Vicious
2. Eddie Guerrero
1. Steve Austin (only really had 4 to 5 years on top… if had more he would have ruled)
Best “Wrestlers” Period
5. Mr. Perfect
4. Bret Hart
3. Chris Beniot
2. Brock Lesner
1. Kurt Angle
Most overrated
5. Undertaker (how many WrestleMania matches do you need to win? start putting over younger talent!)
4. Kevin Nash
3. HHH
2. Goldberg
1. (A TIE) John Cena & Ultimate Warrior are the most overrated!!!
Most underrated
5. Chris Jericho
4. Hardcore Holly (was never used right and was an amazing athlete)
3. C.M. Punk (even though he’s a top guy, he’s far better than the guys he helps put over)
2. The Godfather & his Ho’s (Vince, PLEASE bring him back!!!)
1. Demolition
Most recognized names throughout multiple generations that are “household names”, arguably the most popular throughout ALL Generations
5. Bruno Sammartino
4. Ric Flair
3. Macho Man
2. Andre the Giant
1. Hulk Hogan
Wrestlers that should have held the WWE Championship
5. Terry Funk (I really wanted him to come in WWE when Mick Foley was champ and fued)
4. Rick Rude
3. British Bulldog (How did this not happen!!! No offense to Bret Hart fans but… If Hart could be bumped up to Main Event status, so could he)
2. Mr. Perfect (Awesome IC champ, would have made a great world one too)
1. Million Dollar Man (Had the gimmick, could carry a crowd, perfect heel, Vince dropped the ball here… Would have made great world champ) Deserved it more than anyone at the time!