Saturday, July 27, 2024
NewsRoad Dogg Discusses His Relationship With Pat Patterson, Tom Lawlor Wants To...

Road Dogg Discusses His Relationship With Pat Patterson, Tom Lawlor Wants To Fight Walker Stewart



On a recent edition of his “Oh…You Didn’t Know” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Brian “Road Dogg” James discussed his relationship with Pat Patterson, the right-hand man of Vince McMahon and the creator of the Royal Rumble match.

Road Dogg said, “What I love was Pat Patterson. He knew my father. He worked with my father. He loved my father. He was really a Bob Armstrong fan, and was a fan of mine, too. We had a relationship [that] no matter where he was or where I was, when we saw each other, it was big smiles and big hugs … He was a great guy. And to be honest — this sounds weird — but he was the first ever gay guy that I knew, and he taught me a lot in life about relationships. And that sounds crazy, but that’s just the truth of it.”

On a recent edition of the “Under The Ring” podcast, Tom Lawlor recalled doing commentary work for CES MMA.

Lawlor would have been interested in taking up the vacant NJPW commentary role if only former writer Walker Stewart didn’t take over as the newest member of NJPW’s English broadcast team.

Lawlor said, “Unfortunately, the pandemic put a kibosh on it, but I was doing commentary consistently for CES MMA, which is one of the top promotion in the Northeast. They put probably 20 guys into the UFC. I loved doing work there, but the pandemic kind of took that down. I was also hoping, and maybe this will happen in the future. I think I should have gotten a one-on-one contest with Walker Stewart to decide who was going to get this New Japan commentary gig. I would have preferred, instead of them just hiring him because he has a great voice, make him do a shoot fight against me. Maybe an academic decathlon. We’ll see if he knows more wrestling than I do.”

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