Saturday, July 27, 2024
NewsThe Creed Brothers Debut On WWE RAW, DIY Score Their First Win...

The Creed Brothers Debut On WWE RAW, DIY Score Their First Win In Three Years



The Creed Brothers made their WWE main roster debut this Monday on RAW, defeating Alpha Academy in tag team action.

Julius and Brutus Creed scored the victory after hitting Otis with an Avalanche Brutus Ball.

Following the match, both teams shook hands in a show of respect.

The Creed Brothers will face Los Lotharios (Humberto Carillo & Angel Garza) in a Tables, Ladders, & Scares match at NXT Halloween Havoc (Night Two) on Tuesday.

You can check out some highlights from the match below:

DIY is back in the game, scoring a victory on this week’s episode of WWE RAW.

Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano defeated Imperium (Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser) on Monday’s show in their first match as a team since February 2020.

The babyfaces picked up the win after nailing Vinci with a Meeting in the Middle.

You can check out some highlights from the match below:

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