During the latest edition of Chris Jericho’s “Talk Is Jericho” podcast, The Revolt (The Revival in WWE) commented on Vince McMahon and WWE’s attitude towards wrestlers with southern accents, and more. You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:
Cash Wheeler on how management in WWE didn’t think you could get very far with a southern accent: “Anytime we had interactions with Vince, they always went really well, he was very open, he would listen, he was very responsive and complimentary, to the point where, we were taken aback sometimes that he was aware of things that we didn’t think he would be, but like he [Dax] said also, it wasn’t just a Vince thing, I think a lot of the upper management there, for some reason, they just think with a southern accent, you’re only going to go so far.”
Scott Dawson on feeling like WWE only wanted to keep them away from other companies: “I don’t know if they actually wanted us, I just think the threat of us leaving when there was another company that’s getting a lot of buzz, a lot of press, they didn’t want that. I think they knew there was opportunity for us outside of WWE and I think they just wanted to keep us away from that opportunity.”
Scott Dawson on which tag teams they most want to work with: “There’s so many tag teams out there that we want to work with, from Impact Wrestling, Ring of Honor, AEW, obviously, and New Japan. And not saying all those guys are gonna want us, but that’s just our goal is to work with the guys like, they’re called The North from Impact Wrestling, they’re a great tag team, I’d love to work with them, obviously we get tagged with them a lot, the Briscoes from Ring of Honor, we’d love to work with them, and then the Guerrillas from New Japan, CJ, or Juice Robinson and David, we’d love to go there and work with those guys, and on top of that list, obviously, is the match that we’ve heard about since 2016, and it’s us and the Young Bucks.”
(h/t – 411 Wrestling)