Wednesday, February 12, 2025
NewsThe Secret Diary Of Wrestling: Edition #1

The Secret Diary Of Wrestling: Edition #1

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After much deliberation, I came to the conclusion that I would be ending the rehashing of old blogs, and instead, start up a brand new blog series. I read comments asking when I would be writing new content, so here we go!

So what can we expect from this new series?  I will be writing these out regularly, and will delve into the current affairs of wrestling, who I like, who I hate, who I think has potential, who I think should go away, which companies are doing well, there’s really no limit to what I can discuss

To understand my views on wrestling, you have to know a little more about me. My first memory of wrestling was WCW Wargames, one of my dads friends came around with a VHS tape, and it included The Dangerous Alliance vs Sting’s squadron. This match had a young Steve Austin as TV Champion, and ended up a bloody mess by the end. I was young and didn’t know wrestling was scripted, so I found it rather brutal, but in a good way. I will always remember Steves face, and the ending.

I was never really into wrestling as a kid. It wasn’t until my teens that my friend got me into the Attitude Era. The Corporate Ministry, The Rock, Steve Austin, Vince McMahon, these were some of the first images of wrestling since Wargames, and I really enjoyed the drama. I got my dad into wrestling too, and before long I was watching wrestling whenever I could after school with him and my friends. Having friends stop over for big PPVs was also a highlight. I believe the first WWF PPV I saw was Fully Loaded, when Rikishi splashed a guy from the top of the cage! Oh, it was insane.

I also watched some WCW Nitro, we would catch it on TV every now and then. My other friend loved WCW, he was a true fan of Sting, Goldberg, Booker T and others, but his biggest love was for the New World Order. Sadly I didn’t get into ECW at the time, but I watched many of its best moments down the line. WWE has always been number one for me, but I also appreciate TNA Wrestling. I can admit to having a love-hate relationship for both companies at times.

With that said, let me get onto a present topic. I wish to highlight the current WWE Divas Champion, Paige.

It has been a long time since such a young wrestler like Paige has made an impact.  The Divas division needs more wrestlers like her, young, hungry, and good in the ring. Of course I am extremely biased, but I feel like the audience has accepted her right away, and she has a long road ahead to make a name for herself.

I am delighted to see the resurgence of Wade Barrett. This is a man who has worked hard the past few years, he doesn’t complain, he gets on with the job, and the Bad News Barrett gimmick is connecting. He is playing a heel, but is being so entertaining that the crowd are joining in. Bad news memes have sprung up everywhere, and I feel like it’s only a matter of time until Barrett moves up to the next level.

On the other side of the coin, I am disappointed at Magnus, and TNA, for booking him as weak as they possibly could. I can understand the closet heel angle, having somebody else doing the dirty work all the time, but they labelled him as a paper champion. I suppose the goal they set has been accomplished, he was able to pass it on to someone with all the potential in the world, Eric Young.

Staying on the TNA subject, The Wolves are amazing, but it pains me how they have no real competition. They could have some epic matches with Beer Money over those titles, but are being held back in favour of the Bromans. In the words of the Hurricane, “What’s up with that!?” 

Going to wrap this up, and the biggest feeling I get from both WWE and TNA, is that they are both in the transitional period of finding new breakout stars. Those names that will go down in the history books as some of the biggest names. WWE is doing a great job at using the old stars to put over the new, but TNA is falling short, especially since losing so many veterans in the past year.

Regardless of the landscape, I continue to enjoy wrestling, and although I can’t like everything I see, I appreciate the good things I do see. Thanks for reading.

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