Dave Meltzer claims that a TNA Superstar told him during WrestleMania 32 weekend in Dallas, TX that “he was told to send a Tweet by management about how great the morale is.” The talent in question reportedly didn’t send out any tweet, and said for the people who have been with the company for a long time, “current morale was the worst ever.”
You can check out several recent tweets below, which seem to back up his claims:
Great week. Everyone leaves the bullshit they hear/read at home & GO TO WORK. #LowMorale has become a joke & @IMPACTWRESTLING moves on.
— Josh Mathews (@realjoshmathews) April 25, 2016
SO proud of the entire @IMPACTWRESTLING team, with special love to our KO locker room, for an incredible work ethic & high morale this week!
— Madison Rayne (@MRayneTNA) April 25, 2016
Finishing up a great first night of @IMPACTWRESTLING tapings in Orlando. Morale = high. Sorry haters.
— Bob Ryder (@brydertna) April 22, 2016