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ResultsRAWWWE Monday Night Raw Results January 16, 2023

WWE Monday Night Raw Results January 16, 2023



Welcome to the live results for WWE Monday Night Raw. We are coming at you live from Cincinnati, Ohio. Be sure to refresh your page for ongoing live coverage results! Also visit our comments section below to engage with other live viewers in real-time!

We jump right in to the entrance of the Usos and Solo Sikoa. The Usos take to the microphone and call out Kevin Owens over their interference in the main event match on SmackDown that he had with Sami Zayn. They also announce a future appreciation ceremony for Roman Reigns on Raw’s 30th Anniversary show next week. As they claim their supremacy over the WWE, The Judgement Day come out. Finn Balor thanks Dominick Mysterio for his help the Judgement Day getting a shot at the WWE Raw Tag Team Championships. Damien Priest asks the Usos why they have never challenged the Judgement Day before. Dominick Mysterio says it’s because they fear them. The Usos bite back, listing all of the teams they have overcome in their long reign. Solo Sikoa and Rhea Ripley have a stare down and Mysterio strikes him. Both teams collide, kicking and punching one another. As Solo corners Ripley Mustafa Ali comes flying off of the top rope and takes him down. We go to commercial break.  

Solo Sikoa defeats Mustafa Ali

Solo Sikoa is in the corner receiving chops from Mustafa Ali. Solo powers back and lands a Samoan Drop. Mustafa is left grounded by a series of chin locks and kicks, but comes back with a few quick dropkicks of his own. Solo Sikoa hits a large clothesline and gets a close two count. Mustafa Ali dives away from the corner when Solo leaps at him for a splash but is caught and knocked to the outside. The Usos begin to creep into the ring. Kevin Owens’ music hits and he storms the ring against them. In the melee, Mustafa Ali attempts a 450 Splash but misses and eats a Samoan Spike from Solo Sikoa. Solo covers him and gains the pinfall. Kevin Owens hits Solo with a Stunner and he’s out. Kevin continues to brawl with the Usos, spilling over into the ringside area. WWE officials eventually break them up. Kevin Owens continues to beckon them on to fight.

Bobby Lashley speaks on his spot in a six man elimination match for tonight’s main event. The winner will receive a WWE United States Championship match next week for the Raw 30th Anniversary show. Lashley says that these other men are not hoops for him to jump through, they are just victims. Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Seth Rollins, Baron Corbin and Finn Balor are the other contestants in tonight’s main event match.

We are treated to another Cody Rhodes promo, further documenting his road to recovery from a triceps tear before last year’s Hell In A Cell event. The video ends with the announcement that Cody Rhodes will return at the Royal Rumble!

Elias is backstage. He says his comeback is his winning the Royal Rumble. MVP appears and says he knows the winner of the Rumble and it will not be Elias. He says that if Elias wants a piece of the “winner” he can tonight.

Street Profits defeat Shelton Benjamin & Cedric Alexander

Angelo Dawkins and Shelton Benjamin start things off. Benjamin lands a spinning kick and a German Suplex. He tags in Cedric Alexander. Angelo Dawkins powers back and gets a tag to Montez Ford. Ford clears the ring of his opposition. As Montez reverses a suplex attempt off of the ring apron by Alexander, MVP is shown coming down the entrance ramp. We go to commercial break.

Returning from commercial Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin are maintaining a double team advantage on Montez Ford. He makes a quick leap towards his corner and get the tag to Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins clears the ring and makes a tag to Montez just as he hits a Splash on Alexander. Shelton Benjamin breaks up the pinfall. Angelo Dawkins lands a massive dive over the top rope onto both of his competitors. MVP provides a distraction to Dawkins and Cedric Alexander rolls him up. It is quickly reverse and Angelo Dawkins gets the pinfall. Street Profits win.

Becky Lynch calls out Bayley next!

Becky Lynch enters through the crowd and climbs into the ring. She calls out Bayley but refers to her as “Karen”. Bayley comes out and seems confused by the reference. She says it must all be a reaction to Becky losing to her recently. Becky says that Bayley peaked in 2015. Bayley says that Becky took her spot. Becky calls Bayley out for being a whiner whenever she is not the focal point. She says she wants to face Bayley next week in a steel cage match. Bayley accepts.

Returning from commercial break, Elias is in the ring. MVP comes out, microphone in hand. He says he will not be facing him tonight but rather Omos!

Omos defeats Elias

Elias charges Omos with strikes but he is quickly put down with a large big boot by Omos. The action spills to the outside where Elias jumps out of the way of a charge by Omos. Omos hits the steel ring post and Elias sets to run azt him but is stopped by MVP. Omos powers Elias into the ring. Elias attempts to come back but Omos lifts him high in the air and drops him. Omos covers him and scores the pinfall victory.

The Judgment Day defeats Alpha Academy

Dominick Mysterio and Damien Priest will represent the Judgement Day in this match. Chad Gable and Dominick Mysterio will start the match off. Chad Gable takes Dominick down with an arm drag and he tags in Damien Priest. Priest overpowers Chad Gable as he attempts and ankle lock. Gable hits a corkscrew and makes the tag to Otis. Otis slams Damien Priest down and tags Gable back in. Chad Gable goes for a knee strike and is sent over the top rope. We go to commercial break.

Returning from commercial break Damien Priest has Chad Gable down in the ring. Dominick calls for the tag while Damien has Chad Gable perched on the top turnbuckle. Gable gets Dominick off of the top rope and they are both down. They reach for the tag and Damien Priest and Otis are in. Otis hits his worm splash and makes the tag to Chad Gable. Priest tags Dominick and he is put into an ankle lock by Gable. While the referee is distracted Damien Priest chokeslams Chad Gable and Dominick covers for the pinfall. The Judgement Day wins.

Michin defeats Iyo Sky

Iyo Sky enters with her Damage Control partners. Michin has Candice LaRea by her side. Iyo Sky utilizes her speed early on and keeps Michin on the defensive. A Meteora knee strike in the corner gets Sky a close two count. Michin comes back with a combination of kicks and strikes. While Iyo Sky is distracted by LaRea and Dakota Kai outside of the ring Michin hits a kick and scores the pinfall. Michin wins.

Bianca Belair returns next!

Bianca expresses to the crowd how much she missed them the last couple of weeks. She asks Alexa Bliss if she has the guts to come out to talk to her face to face. Alexa comes out. She says that Bianca and everyone else misunderstands her. Bianca cuts her off and asks her if she wants to challenge for the WWE Raw Women’s Championship at the Royal Rumble. Alexa says she will see her at the Rumble but Bianca takes the fight to her now. The two women fight in the area around the ring. Bianca takes the battle into the crowd, tossing Alexa into barricades and chairs along the way. Bianca attempts a KOD but is distracted by the appearance of Uncle Howdy. Alexa takes advantage and hits a DDT on the concrete floor, laying out Bianca Belair.

Bronson Reed defeats Akira Tozawa

Bronson Reed hits a side body slam and locks in a waist lock on Akira Tozawa. Tozawa attempts a comeback but Reed keeps him grounded with chops to the chest. Another waist lock from Reed but Tozawa flips out and lands a kick to the back of the head. He sends Reed to the outside where he attempts a Hurricarana but is caught and powerbombed into the crowd barrier. Bronson Reed throws Akira Tozawa back into the ring, hits a splash from the top rope, and scores the pinfall. Bronson Reed wins.

Bobby Lashley defeats Seth Rollins, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin, and Finn Balor 

All six men watch as WWE United States Champion Austin Theory comes out to observe the match. As the bell rings they all begin to strike one another with some men spilling to the floor outside of the ring. We go to commercial break.

Returning from commercial Seth Rollins and Finn Balor are going back and forth in the ring. Baron Corbin trips up Seth Rollins on the top rope and he and Finn Balor attempt a Superplex. Bobby Lashley comes up from behind and slams all three men to the mat. Lashley attempts a spear on Rollins but he dives out of the way. The Miz and Dolph Ziggler enter the fray and try to take advantage. Lashley and Rollins are removed from the action and Ziggler and The Miz exchange high spots and a few close counts. The Miz locks in a figure four leg lock but Dolph Ziggler turns him over and reverses the pressure. Seth Rollins runs in and hits a stomp to The Miz. He covers and scores the pinfall elimination. The Miz is out and we go to commercial break.

Returning from the commercial break Bobby Lashley and Baron Corbin are brawling on the outside of the ring. Seth Rollins is clearing the ring of Dolph Ziggler and Finn Balor. Seth Rollins throws water in the face of Austin Theory at ringside. Back in the ring Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins exchange splashes on Finn Balor and Baron Corbin in the ring corners. Finn Balor soars over the top rope on to Lashley and Corbin. Dolph Ziggler follows up with a dive off of the top rope. He rolls Corbin back in to the ring and he eats a super kick. Ziggler goes on a kicking spree, nailing Lashley and Balor as well. Seth Rollins sneaks in and hit Dolph Ziggler with the Pedigree. He covers and scores the pinfall elimination. Dolph Ziggler is eliminated. We go to another commercial break.

The four remaining competitors are in the ring as we return from commercial break. Baron Corbin hits a Deep Six on Finn Balor for a close two count. Lashley and Corbin exchange heavy blows back and forth. Bobby Lashley sends Baron Corbin to the outside with a clothesline. Finn Balor attempts to strike but Lashley lays him out. Balor struggles to get up following a side slam and Lashley prepares for the Hurt Lock. Omos appears on the entrance ramp and distracts Bobboy Lashley enough for Corbin to hit him from behind. Seth Rollins hits a stomp on Corbin and then another on Balor before he covers Balor for the pinfall elimination. Finn Balor is eliminated. Omos gets involved and he throws Seth Rollins over the announcer’s desk. Baron Corbin slinks away and is caught by a spear from Bobby Lashley. Lashley covers and eliminates Baron Corbin. Austin Theory nails Bobby lashley with the United States Championship. Fighting breaks out between Omos, Rollins, Theory and MVP. in the melee Bobby Lashley hits a spear on Seth Rollins and covers him. The referee counts to three and Bobby Lashley wins. He will meet Austin theory next week for the WWE United States Championship.


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