Monday, June 17, 2024
NewsWWERey Mysterio Praises Dominik's Success In WWE So Far, & More

Rey Mysterio Praises Dominik’s Success In WWE So Far, & More



Rey Mysterio was a recent guest on Rampage Jackson’s “JAXXON” podcast to discuss a variety of topics, including his son Dominik wanting to get into the wrestling business, his heel turn and success in WWE so far, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On Dominik getting into the business: “My son was pretty much raised around the business. He was already part of a story angle in WWE in 2003, 2004 with Eddie [Guerrero] and he just grew up around the business. He just never showed any interest not until about the age of 19 and [he] wasn’t good at school, played football but he wasn’t going anywhere, and when he was like, ‘Dad, I want to see if I can break into business …’ So I never expected that from him.”

On Dominik’s success in WWE: “Sure enough, that was when he was 19 years old, he’s 27 now, and in the past three years, he’s had the success that I never had in three years breaking in the business. I mean, times are different, but as a father you can only imagine how proud I am.”

On Dominik getting out from under his shadow: “For my son to come in out of nowhere and not have my style, have a different build — he’s 6’1″, he’s about 190, so it was just … it was very hard for him at the beginning to try to adapt and find his role as a wrestler. The comparisons were … they were made and, of course, he couldn’t live up to it not until we separated and he continued on his own path without having his dad by his side and that was the best thing that could have ever happened to him.”

On Dominik’s heel turn: “It’s crazy to even put a name behind someone that really had the idea of separating us but I think it was just a work of minds put together. I think the main idea behind it was the fact that we try to relate wrestling as much as we can to real life and who doesn’t fight with their kids? Kids always think that they’re right and the father’s wrong. They don’t take advice from the dad and just to be able to portray that story on TV for the fans to view was probably the success of the story.”

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at [email protected].

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