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NewsWWEThe Undertaker Talks His 1994 Return, Analyzes Kane’s Work As Knox County...

The Undertaker Talks His 1994 Return, Analyzes Kane’s Work As Knox County Mayor



The Undertaker has made multiple unexpected returns throughout his career, but he regards his return in 1994 as the most significant.

On a recent edition of his “Six Feet Under” podcast, The Undertaker expressed that his comeback at SummerSlam 1994 was the most memorable.

After his notorious loss to Yokozuna at the 1994 Royal Rumble pay-per-view event, The Undertaker took a hiatus for the year. His surprise return at SummerSlam to confront his doppelganger is considered a pivotal moment in his career.

The Undertaker said,Overall, I think probably the ’94 return because it was still the… all the essence of The Undertaker, the old-school Undertaker, we just moved from the grey to the purple. Vince [McMahon] loved the purple; I would’ve never probably changed if it was up to me. Nah, I shouldn’t say that because I knew when things need(ed) to be tweaked and changed, but I’m just partial to black and grey. But ’94, I’d have to agree with that...I think the transition back from “The American Badass” more into that hybrid Undertaker version, that was fun.”

The Undertaker also discussed his perspective on his kayfabe brother Glenn “Kane” Jacobs’ role as mayor of Knox County, Tennessee.

Kane has been mayor of the city since 2018, and The Undertaker shared his thoughts on The Big Red Machine’s tenure in public office. He said,

“He’s one of the few people, I think, in public office that is doing it for the right reasons. He wants to make change and he wants to do things. Whether you agree with his politics or not, that doesn’t matter. But I think in his heart, he’s genuine — I know he is, because I know the kind of human being he is. He’s genuinely being the mayor of Knox County because he wants to make change for people there in Eastern Tennessee. He’s a very smart, intelligent man.”

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