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ResultsDYNAMITEAEW Dynamite Results for September 29, 2021

AEW Dynamite Results for September 29, 2021


Credit: WINC

– Show starts with an “In memory of Brodie Lee.”

– CM Punk heads out and makes a lap around the ring to say hey to the fans. He heads back up to the stage to join commentary.

Adam Cole vs. Jungle Boy

Cole wins with a low blow unseen by the refs followed by a Last Shot.

Winner: Adam Cole

The Elite (minus Don Callis) head out to the ring. Karl Anderson introduced the group and explained how being elite features a group like those in the ring. Cole takes the mic, says he told the world he was going to beat Jungle Boy and that’s what he did (and he did it by himself!). He also mentions Cole is undefeated. Brandon Cutler tries to talk and they tell him to shut up. Nick Jackson snatches away the mic and wonders if they are ready for the best promo in the world. “Nakazawa!” He goes to talk, but the crowd chants “CM Punk.”He tells them to “silence!” and Kenny Omega takes over.

He says all he sees everywhere is people telling him his match against Bryan Danielson was the greatest match. Omega says Danielson put up a good fight, but here’s the problem. Crowd with a “Yes!” chant. The problem was Danielson didn’t get the job done and his record is 0-0, so no rematch, and he won’t ever see him in the ring again. Danielson’s music hits and out he comes.

Danielson asks the crowd if they want to see a rematch, they cheer big for that. Bryan says the fans want it, he wants, but Omega doesn’t have the balls to give it to him. Crowd with a “no balls” chant. He then presents to everyone “Kenny ‘No Balls’ Omega!” Omega is getting grumpy in the ring. Crowd then chants his new name. Danielson says, fine, he’ll challenge anyone in The Elite to a match on Rampage. Omega says, why wait? Let’s do it now. Danielson calls out his friends to even things up. Out comes Frankie Kazarian, Jurassic Express, and Chrstian. They charge the ring and The Elite all bail up to the stage.

Backstage, Tony goes to talk with AEW World Tag Team Champions Lucha Brothers, but Andrade showed up. He wondered where PAC was? Andrade’s assistant says it’s about time they defend those AAA tag titles. Apparently, Andrade has some people who may come for them? Fenix says any place, any time! Penta gives them “cero miedo.”

Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson vs. Matt Sydal and Dante Martin

Big boot to Sydal, sending him out to the floor. Martin with the roll-up, two. Johnson hits a thrust kick, neckbreaker over his knee, Martin out, pin, and that will do it.

Winners: Cody Rhodes and Lee Johnson

Post-match, Cody gets in the ring and shakes Johnson’s hand. Tony in the ring to talk with the winning team. Crowd with some boos. Cody calls for Malakai Black. Arn tells Cody to stop talking. Arn says Cody got destroyed in their first match. He says the second match, Cody had Black, then goes out and checks on Arn. “It’s not about me! Hell with me!” Arn says Black will do anything to win a match and destroy the man he’s with, ask Lee, ask his son, Brock. Arn says there is big difference between himself and Cody — if a man tries to steal his car, Cody will let him take it.

Arn says he’ll pull out his glock and blast him. He’s not going to stay with a loser who doesn’t even listen to him. He tells Lee to come on! Arn and Lee leave the ring. Cody (and Brandi out on the floor) look very confused.

Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston, and Darby Allin with Sting vs. Bear Country and Anthony Greene

Violent crown by Moxley and Kingston (lariat/german suplex combo) on Greene, cover, two.

Winners: Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley and Darby Allin

Ruby Soho says she never felt liek she had so many people in her corner against Britt Baker. Britt says they just like the song, not Soho, and Baker just proving again she she’s the most dominant. Soho says she’ll work her way back up and come back for that title.

– Matt Hardy says a year and a half ago, he was supposed to debut in Rochester, New York. That was deleted though because Rochester didn’t deserve a legend like him! It’s an awful town! Cassidy’s music hits.

H.F.O vs. Dark Order and Orange Cassidy

Everybody hitting big spots out on H.F.O. Silver blasting every single guy in sight. 10 with the spinebuster, Cassidy with an orange punch. Flurry of strikes on Jora Johl, fatality hits on John, cover, 1-2-3.

Winners: Orange Cassidy and Dark Order

Post-match, big hug with the group. -1 is put up on 10’s shoulders and the group does the Dark Order sign.

– Lio Rush says Tony Khan has brought him in. Rush talks about being a businessman, investing, and helping pay off the debts for himself and those around him. Looks like he’s in AEW!

We return to Lambert in the ring, talking about some guy’s knee in Jericho’s face. He asks the crowd to shut up so he can pay Jericho a compliment. He had a successful career, and his greatest accomplishment was when he took a start up company with skinny little acrobats and turned it into the hottest promotion this business has seen. He says they made Jericoh retire, there will be no more Fuzzy records. They have chopped off the head of AEW’s snake. He references The Balls of Jericho.

Sky has the mic now, as the crowd chants SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Sky says about a year ago, he asked us if we were paying attention. He’s one of the first champions, has one of the best winning percentages since day 1. Not long ago, he grabbed the giant Sonic ring and became the face of the revolution, and it still wasn’t good enough. Know who was paying attention? Dan Lambert. He sees what we all ignore. He sees Scorpio Sky as a main eventer, just like Ethan Page.

Page says the idiots are in the crowd are not paying attention, because they look past guys like them. They don’t throw up the middle finger, they don’t swear. What’s tough is having two black belts, never being pinned or submitted, and he’s still overlooked. They wont be overlooked anymore. He’s got the best smile in pro-wrestling, dress likes a champ, talks like one, walks like one, and now he rolls with champions. Men of the Year are the top team.

We switch gears to Hikaru, where she talks about her past two years. She is looking for her 50th win. Serena Deebs is here to applaud her, but says her 50th win will mean nothing if she cant beat Serena. Hikaru says she’s excited to face her. Next week, AEW Dynamite second anniversary, Hikaru vs Deebs.

Tay Conti and Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford and The Bunny

Conti keeps The Bunny out of the floor, Conti with Tay-KO on Bunny. Jay with a dangerous jay kick into the queen slayer, Ford is out, and that will do it.

Winners: Anna Jay and Tay Conti

MJF heads out to the ring with Wardlow. MJF says to cut his music, crowd boos. He says they are from upstate New York, let’s pipe down a bit. MJF says he wants to be given what he deserves, but will get to that in a minute. MJF says the company is building more and more momentum, and there’s some younger guys that will take this company forward. Jungle Boy (beat him), Sammy Guevara (beat him), and Darby Allin (whatever), and himself. He says without him “this company ain’t s***.” MJF says he deserves to be the AEW World Champion. He tells Tony Khan that he needs to give him what he wants. He then brings up Bruce Prichard and he has Prichard on speed dial. Allin’s music hits and out he strolls to the ring.

MJF says he’s not a huge fan of Allin interrupting him, but he knows why, Allin is jealous of him. He says there’s nothing wrong with being the second best guy. He says Allin knows a great number two guy, Sting! MJF says he’s number one around here. Allin says MJF wants to leave if he doesn’t get what he wants? Then go! Nobody here would care. Allin says he’s AEW for life until death.

Allin says how can MJF being the number one pillar, if Allin is the one who won a title. MJF says he really enjoy’s Allin’s Batman voice, and asks everybody why Allin is straight edge? MJF brings up Allin going in a car with his uncle when he was younger and his uncle (who was drunk) died that night. MJF says it seems to him the wrong man died that night. He tells Allin to hit him, but Allin passes. He tells MJF to keep talking, he won’t be broken. MJF says that’s fine, and decides to leave.

– Friday’s Rampage: Nick Jackson vs. Bryan Danielson has been made official. Also, Evans vs. Cassidy (Hair vs. Hair), and Cargill vs. Rosa vs. Rose.

Miro (C) vs. Sammy Guevara  – TNT Championship

Miro exposes all the turnbuckles, but Sammy dropkicks him into the turnbuckle, follows it up with a GTH and a 630 senton to dethrone Miro and win the title.

Winner: Sammy Guevara