Saturday, July 27, 2024
ResultsPPVWWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 Results, Viewing Party & More

WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 Results, Viewing Party & More



Welcome to the live results watch page for WWE NXT STAND AND DELIVER 2024 pay-per-view!

The event is scheduled to start at 11 a.m. ET with the countdown pre-show, followed by the main show starting at 12 p.m.

Follow along here throughout the show for the results of each match as well as my personal thoughts on everything throughout the night down after the separation bar.

Keep refreshing for new updates, check out the quick results at the top of the page for the winners and chat it up with everyone in the comments as the show goes on!

Quick Hits Results:

  • [Countdown Pre-Show] Joe Gacy defeated Shawn Spears by pinfall.
  • NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Wolf Dogs (c) (Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker) defeated Axiom & Nathan Frazer by pinfall.
  • Triple Threat Match for the NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi (c) defeated Dijak and Josh Briggs by pinfall on Briggs.
  • Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan defeated Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame by submission (Dame taps to Hail).
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Roxanne Perez defeated Lyra Valkyria (c) by submission to win the title!
  • NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) defeated Tony D’Angelo by pinfall.
  • Trick Williams defeated Carmelo Hayes by pinfall.

Author’s POV, Running Commentary & Thoughts:

Countdown Pre-Show

  • Megan Morant and Sam Roberts are joined by Arianna Grace, aka Miss Stand & Deliver. She’s giving very pageant-like answers, which is great.
  • Notably, Ridge Holland has joined Morant and Roberts now at around the 11:30 mark. He says he’d love to be competing in the ring, but reiterates that he’s stepped away as the best decision for his family.
  • Vic Joseph is joined on commentary by both Booker T and Wade Barrett tonight, which is cool.

Joe Gacy vs. Shawn Spears

  • Oh hey, this match started off with Ridge Holland hitting Joe Gacy with a steel chair from behind. We’ve got a heel turn to start the pre-show. Is that a good sign for the weekend being packed with some crazy stuff?
  • I’d also assume that will be even more so a reason for Gacy to lose this match.
  • And I would be wrong. Gacy gets the win. That’s interesting. I guess that’s why they didn’t have Holland turn at the end of the match, since that would have dictated Spears winning. We’ll probably see something on NXT this week where Holland and Spears become a team and maybe continue this feud with Gacy.

The intro of the show has our hosts, Meta-Four, doing some Academy Awards style references. They’re eating at Tony D’Angelo’s restaurant, talking about the title match. Then, at Chase University running down the Thea Hail and Jacy Jayne storyline. Oro Mensah in an ambulance talks about the women’s title match and Valkyria being sent to the hospital by Roxanne. Dijak parody (in that setting he films his promos) is next for the North American title match. Last up, the Trick Melo match at the barber.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match: The Wolf Dogs (c) (Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

  • Booker’s “No bread, no water, just meat!” intro was interrupted from the action starting. He’s perturbed. But he’s able to get that out a minute later, so all is right in the world. Sounds like time for some champagne wishes and caviar dreams.
  • Axiom and Frazer are keeping up a frenetic pace, giving them an equal playing field, instead of just being squashed by the bigger and more powerful champions. I can see why this is starting off the main card.
  • A spear on Frazer from Breakker allows Corbin to get the pinfall for The Wolf Dogs to retain in a very solid match.
  • I’m still curious why they didn’t fight The Good Brothers, but I won’t turn my nose up to this.

A giant Knuckles costume is behind the commentary booth to promote that television show. That’s not a sight I was assuming I would see today. As a kid who grew up with the big wow moment of the Sonic & Knuckles video game, I’ve always loved that character.

Triple Threat Match for the NXT North American Championship: Oba Femi (c) vs. Dijak vs. Josh Briggs

  • I believe everyone in this match is billed at 6’6 and 6’7, which is nuts.
  • Nice arm toss with Briggs throwing Dijak off the apron onto Femi to the outside. They’re making this a good slugfest.
  • Double-chokeslam to Femi with both Briggs and Dijak trying to hold Femi down for a pin. Unsuccessful. That would have led to a dispute on who got the pin anyway.
  • Femi responds by chokeslamming both of them at the same time, one-armed.
  • Dijak gets his feet on the ropes for a rather close near-fall. I like that they’re saying he used his height to his advantage there, continuing that story of this contest of the tallest guys in NXT.
  • “NXT!” chant breaks out for Dijak and Briggs with a chokeslam turned into Canadian Destroyer spot.
  • Oh man, near-fall on a spot with Femi underneath Dijak who was holding Briggs and all parties simultaneously crashing down.
  • Feast Your Eyes on Femi. Briggs breaks it up with a moonsault, but Dijak saw it coming and moved, so Briggs landed on Femi instead. Dijak kicks Briggs, hits Femi with another Feast Your Eyes, but Briggs pulls the referee out of the ring! Booooooos from the crowd on that one as he stole what would’ve been a pinfall. Now, the crowd’s chanting “Bullshit!”
  • Dijak launches himself to the outside to take out Briggs. “This is awesome” chant breaks out.
  • Briggs tackles Femi through the security barricade and celebrates just long enough for Dijak to hit a Feast Your Eyes on him on the outside.
  • Another Feast Your Eyes to Briggs, this time in the ring. Femi breaks up the pin, this time, though.
  • Femi powerbombs Dijak onto Briggs and pins Briggs to retain.
  • Hell of a match. That was great.

Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Thea Hail, Fallon Henley & Kelani Jordan vs. Jacy Jayne, Kiana James & Izzi Dame

  • Jazmyn Nyx still has her sling on, but will be ringside.
  • The guys of Chase University are out here for this match as well to support Thea Hail, who is fired up.
  • The crowd’s needing a reset after the last match and aren’t as pumped for this. A few spots get some decent reactions, though; particularly when all hell starts breaking loose and the people ringside get involved (including Nyx, despite her injury, which could very well just be kayfabe for all we know).
  • There’s a decent reaction for Hail and Jayne being the focal points about to square off in the ring. After all, that’s the anchor of this story.
  • Hail gets the win for her team by making Dame submit.
  • Am I reading too much into it, or was Fallon Henley making some sour facial expressions instead of celebrating the victory? Hm. Maybe there’s something there.

Ava announces that coming soon, there will be an NXT Women’s North American Championship crowned!

Heads up for the future, as Giulia is in the crowd!

NXT Women’s Championship: Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez

  • To be honest, the crowd doesn’t seem like they’ve bounced back yet. Nothing happening here is making them pop and be as energetic as the first two matches. That’s not to say it’s been bad, but it’s just a bog standard match so far.
  • Pop Rox doesn’t get the win for Perez.
  • Tatum Paxley is out to help support Lyra Valkyria. But a moment later, Perez moves out of the way and Lyra collides with Tatum, who is now being helped by two referees.
  • Pop Rox transitioned into a crossface. Valkyria can’t make it to the ropes. She taps after a struggle. New champion.

NXT Championship Match: Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Tony D’Angelo

  • Even match so far. I’m not sure the crowd is entirely behind the idea of Tony D winning, but it doesn’t sound like a firm stance, either.
  • Channing Lorenzo hands some brass knuckles to D’Angelo. Surprisingly, Tony D gives them back to Stacks and says he doesn’t want to win that way.
  • H-Bomb through the commentary table. Dragunov follows it up with a senton in the ring, but can’t get the three-count.
  • I’m surprised, Dragunov scores the pinfall eventually and retains. I was so sure D’Angelo would be winning.

Backstage, Lyra Valkyria is icing up her wounds. Tatum Paxley comes over to say she’s so sorry about the title loss and Valkyria says this isn’t the time.

A video package hypes up Je’Von Evans.

Meta-Four is in the ring to announce a new all-time NXT attendance record of 16,545.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams

  • Carmelo Hayes has some Golden Jaguar inspired gear from Black Panther. Very cool.
  • No special entrance for Trick Williams, unfortunately. I thought they were going to give him one.
  • Referee is down after Trick jumps into the corner and inadvertently crashes into him instead of Melo. That means we’re getting some weapons. A steel chair is first up.
  • Trick is able to get the upper-hand of the chair and hit Hayes a few times. Referee doesn’t disqualify, but as he’s distracted, Hayes hits a low-blow to Williams for a two-count.
  • Trick eventually gets the win, after what I’d say was a somewhat underwhelming main event considering the possibilities and how it just sort of ended. Not a bad match, but I had a higher hype for it than it turned out to be, if I’m being honest.

Tell us your thoughts on WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 in the comments section, and tune in to my live post-show podcast immediately following the event by clicking on the YouTube video below!

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