Wednesday, May 15, 2024
EditorialTop 20 Greatest Stars In Pro Wrestling History!

Top 20 Greatest Stars In Pro Wrestling History!



Hi. Welcome Back.

Last week i posted an article containing The Top 20 Heels In Pro Wrestling History. This week we will be counting down The Top 20 Babyfaces.

This list is based on drawing power, titles held, merchandise sales and popularity.
The notion is, wrestlers earn more money as a face rather than a heel. Merchandise sales can play a good part in a wrestlers income, so it’s only natural for them to want to reap the benefits and rewards.Traditional faces are classic good guy characters who do not break the rules, follow instructions of those in authority such as the referee or boss. They are polite and well-mannered towards fans, and often overcome the rule-breaking actions of their heel opponents to cleanly win matches.

There are actually two types of babyfaces, that being babyfaces and tweeners. The portrayal of babyface wrestlers changed with the birth of ECW, the start of the nWo storyline, and the “attitude era” of the then WWF.

During this time, wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Sting or nowadays Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton use tactics traditionally associated with heels, but remain popular with the fans. These faces are tweeners. Although wrestlers such as Rick Flair, Crusher and Freddie Blassie had been faces while using such tactics well before this, the attitude era is usually credited with this new kind of face.

Enjoy the list, Drink Your Milk, Say Those Prayers and Know Your Role.

Because here are Top 20 Greatest Stars In Pro Wrestling History.

Starting with

#20 The Legion Of Doom

Also known as The Road Warriors dominated the tag team devision for nearly 20 years and captivated audiences with their power and charisma. One of the most intimidating tag-teams in wrestling history.

Whether it was Verne Gagne’s AWA, Jim Crockett’s NWA, Vince McMahon’s WWF/E or Japan, the Road Warriors with those kickass face paint and NFL like spiked shoulder pads achieved success in every promotion they fought for. LOD are one of the most decorated and celebrated tagteams. Winning over 18 different tag team titles.Animal and Hawk are in both the WWE and Wrestling Observer Halls of Fame.

#19 Rey Mysterio

Rey Mysterio is the perfect example of using the term “underdog”. He fought his way to the top of the tree winning three world heavyweight championships in the process.

Before coming to the WWE, Rey Mysterio was a cruiserweight in WCW where he also won multiple titles. His Royal Rumble win was one of the most exciting moment i can remember of him. The main reason i added Rey to this list is his strong merchandise sales.

Hence WWE’s reluctancy to let him go. Rey’s mask was worn by litterally every kid in sight, at any WWE event.

#18 Andre The Giant

Andre was the unbeatable baby face. Whenever a bad guy needed to be brought down to size, Andre was there to save the day. Andre was mostly a babyface throughout his career.

#17 Kevin Von Erich
The whole Von Erich family were perfect for babyfaces, the hottest face talents in the world at the time. They have won multiple championship titles between them.

Unfortunately, family tragedy struck. David died of a drug overdose, Mike committed suicide, and both Kerry and Chris committed suicide as well. The blame lay firmly on Fritz Von Erich the dad was who pushed his kids so hard that they couldn’t cope anymore.

Since Kevin was the best of the bunch he gets his name on my list.

#16 Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle, our very own Olympic Hero, an over-bearing loveable face star in WWE. In first few years of his career Kurt would be an asshole and the crowd would let him know. His face turn came in 2001. Angle had some of the most amazing 5 star matches with Brock Lesnar HBK Eddie Guererro and Chris Benoit to mention a few, it was the stuff of legend. In my personal opinion , i firmly believe Kurt Angle and Bret Hart are the best technical wrestlers to ever step foot inside the squared circle.
Kurt Angle left for TNA and is currently the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

#15 Mankind

Mick Foley had somewhat of a personality disorder in his heyday, potraying three different characters at once. As seen at the Royal Rumble, Mankind, Cactus Jack and Dude Love all entered The Rumble in the very same night. Foley won multiple championships, and worked at various promotions. He is now a Hall of Famer, and frequently appears on WWE television in one sort or another, though it is his physical sacrifice that the crowd will always remember. Mrs Foley’s baby boys Hell in a Cell match withThe Undertaker stands as his most memorable moment. After this match, Foley was treated like a god, he still has the Foley Is God signs to prove it.

Hopefully the full list from #14 -1 will be continued tomorrow……

Thankyou for reading

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