— Evan Bourne says he wants to feud with the new United States Champion Antonio Cesaro when he returns. Bourne tweeted the following: “Congrats to the new United States Champion @AntonioCesaro! I can’t wait to heal up and challenge you. USA! Chants? Very likely!”
— Over WWE SummerSlam weekend, numerous WWE talents did voice-over work for the new Scooby Doo movie that WWE is producing.
— Jim Ross tweeted the following regarding today’s big WWE tryout in Los Angeles, CA: “Drills on going for men & women at WWE try outs. No AC…looking for intensity, focus, retention. Three days of 2 a days in LA.”
— The season finale of Steve Austin’s Redneck Island will air this Saturday night on CMT. Filming for season two will take place in about a month.