Before I get into this, this is not me trying to pretend i should be a part of the WWE creative team or saying I could do any better. This is just an opinion from a long time WWE fan and sports writer.
Yes sir, we have a main event. John Cena versus Randy Orton for the WWE world heavyweight championship. What a main event!
It has only been little over one month since we have seen these two in the main story-lines for World Wrestling Entertainment.
We just went through the big match to unify the WWE and world heavyweight titles to see who was the best, to see who was the real champion, to see who is the face of the WWE was.
Randy Orton won the match, it was a clean finish and the next night on Raw. John Cena said it himself, Randy Orton is now the face of the WWE. Well two weeks later, Stephanie McMahon makes a rematch to finally see who the face of the WWE will be.
Was that not the point for the match at TLC? The logic is not there at all. Why did we pay to see them wrestle a month ago for the big match as hyped by the person who made the rematch for Royal Rumble?
Usually, we have a feud, they have a match, they have a couple more and then they have a pay-off match. It usually ends in a match stipulation like a TLC. With that being said, why do it back-words.
Let’s say that John Cena wins at the Royal Rumble PPV and is the second newly crowned WWE World Heavyweight champion. Do they book a third match at Elimination Chamber?
Common sense would tell you, Randy Orton would win and face a new opponent (Maybe Brock Lesnar) the reason I would favor Randy Orton is because if Cena loses twice (Once at TLC and one at Royal Rumble) then why would he get a third match in a row?
So with that being said, you are almost giving away a finish to the match in some regards. We were guaranteed a winner and a new WWE champion. With that being in mind, should we ask for a guaranteed face of the WWE at this PPV?
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Who do you think will win this match, who do you want to win this match? Let me know in the comment area below and Let the arguments begin!