Monday, June 17, 2024
NewsWWE NXT Deadline Results: Bron Breakker vs. Apollo Crews

WWE NXT Deadline Results: Bron Breakker vs. Apollo Crews



NXT Champion Bron Breakker vs. Apollo Crews was booked at this year’s WWE NXT Deadline event. The following is the play-by-play coverage of the match: 

After a slow start, Crews caught him with a drop kick. Crews with a back flip off the apron. Bron with a brain buster then a standing moonsault for 2. Breakker with a leaping dive over the top rope to the floor. Breakker went for a dive off the top rope and Crews hit a knee strike to his face. Crews with a suplex then a series of german suplexes. Crews with a powerbomb then two more for a near fall. Crews with a frog splash for 2. Bron fired up and hit a bulldog off the top rope for 2. Crews with a powerslam for a near fall. Bron with a spear for the win. 

Winner: Bron Breakker (champion

Grayson Waller laid out Breakker after the match and ended the show standing tall with the title.

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