Monday, June 17, 2024
NewsWWEHornswoggle - 'Kofi Kingston's Title Win Was The Most Heartfelt WrestleMania Moment...

Hornswoggle – ‘Kofi Kingston’s Title Win Was The Most Heartfelt WrestleMania Moment Ever’



On a recent edition of the “Insight” podcast, former WWE Superstar Hornswoggle discussed his emotional reaction to Kofi Kingston’s WWE Title victory at WrestleMania 35.

Hornswoggle said, “I was watching with my son, and it literally welled me up. Because it was one of the most awesome builds. He was a guy that…it wasn’t like he shouldn’t have made it to that level, but you never thought he would. He should’ve, for sure should’ve. And [he] always gets a great reaction, always did everything they asked, everything they asked. That promo, it just popped up on my timeline the other day, the New Day promo with redacted [Vince McMahon]. And they’re like, laying it all out there. It was heartfelt.”

He continued, “Man, that night when he won, it’s the most…I truly feel it’s the most heartfelt moment of any WrestleMania ever. Any WrestleMania of all time. That’s where fans can really take it in and go ‘This is special. This means something.’ Wins and losses at WrestleMania can be cool and they can get a reaction. That meant something for the very first time I think. I don’t know if it’ll ever be topped, for such a heartfelt, wholesome moment. I don’t know what else happened on that show.”

Kingston defeated Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) to win the WWE Championship in the culmination of his “KofiMania” run at WrestleMania 35.

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