Monday, June 17, 2024
NewsAEWTony Khan Hypes AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 Triple Main Event

Tony Khan Hypes AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 Triple Main Event



Tonight’s AEW Double Or Nothing 2024 pay-per-view event will showcase what the company has termed a “triple main event.”

During the AEW Double or Nothing media call, AEW President Tony Khan provided an overview of the matches scheduled for tonight’s show.

Khan discussed the three matches, including the AEW World Title match, the TBS Title match, and the Anarchy In The Arena bout.

You can check out some highlights from the media call below:

On the show having a triple main event: “I felt like these are three matches that were uniquely positioned on the shows that all have really important stakes for different reasons. I think Swerve Strickland is a great, great champion for AEW. He has really done very well for us since winning the championship. He’s been involved in some major segments, had a great first defense of the title against Claudio Castagnoli on a really important episode of TV. It was very prominently positioned after NBA playoffs on TNT. Then, we’ve got Christian Cage, who has been, in my opinion, an MVP of AEW television over the past year. and what Christian Cage has done for the company, it is unbelievable.”

On the Mercedes Mone vs. Willow Nightingale match: “To be the champion and have people gunning for you, that’s one thing. But then to have somebody gunning for you, have that person be one of the best wrestlers in the world, and they haven’t been able to wrestle for a full year, and every single day they have woken up and they blame you for that, it’s just a tremendous situation.”

On the Anarchy in the Arena bout: “We have the Anarchy in the Arena, which is going to be really crazy. The last couple of years, I think the Anarchy in the Arena match has been one of the best wrestling matches in the world. Yet, it has been, at various points, not really wrestling. It’s been street fighting, brawling, and pure anarchy as advertised.”

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