Sunday, June 16, 2024
NewsWWEThe Undertaker Recalls Being Chopped By Haku, Mark Henry On Modern Day...

The Undertaker Recalls Being Chopped By Haku, Mark Henry On Modern Day Wrestling



On a recent edition of the “Six Feet Under” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry shared his perspective on in-ring storytelling and the perceived absence of suspension of disbelief in contemporary wrestling.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On how it hurts for him to watch wrestling: “I watch it and it hurts. The number one thing that people don’t do in wrestling is the struggle. I was taught the struggle in wrestling… I know what’s going to happen with most matches because they don’t disguise it, they don’t allow you to go into a blind belief, a suspended belief to where you don’t see it.”

On his approach to storytelling: “I should be able to pick up every human in the ring but there’s a time when you’re not supposed to. So now I got to, you know, go punch at somebody and hit the pole and now my hand hurt and I now I try to pick him, I can’t pick him up; it’s the storytelling of where you go in match.”

During the same podcast, The Undertaker recalled his experience working with Haku in WWE.

The Phenom mentioned an incident in which he instinctively grabbed Haku in response to being chopped by him. The Undertaker expressed gratitude that the situation was resolved amicably, describing Haku as a person of great kindness and warmth.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On getting chopped by Haku: “It was one of those moments like, I just did it and then it dawned on me who I had just grabbed and I’m thinking to myself, ’cause I whipped him around — I didn’t tater him — but they were in the middle of getting some heat and I came out of it ’cause I didn’t like getting chopped. It was in that moment of like [I thought], ‘Oh s***, this is Haku.’”

On Haku liking Undertaker: “Thank goodness he loved me, and he liked me ’cause he just went with it and he didn’t kill me.”

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