Monday, June 17, 2024
ResultsPPVAEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results & Live Watch Party

AEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results & Live Watch Party



Welcome to the live results watch page for AEW DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2024 pay-per-view!

The event is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. ET with the Buy In pre-show, followed by the main show starting at 8 p.m.

Follow along here throughout the show for the results of each match as well as my personal thoughts on everything throughout the night down after the separation bar.

Keep refreshing for new updates, check out the quick results at the top of the page for the winners and chat it up with everyone in the comments as the show goes on!

Quick Hits Results:

  • [Buy In] Deonna Purrazzo defeated Thunder Rosa by pinfall.
  • Tony Khan and Martha Hart announced the next Owen Hart Cup tournament will have its finals on July 10th in Calgary. The winners of the men’s and women’s tournaments will also receive world title shots at All In.
  • [Buy In] Trios Match: The Acclaimed defeated Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony by pinfall.
  • Singles Match for the AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay defeated Roderick Strong (c) by pinfall to win the title!
  • Adam Cole had a promo segment that was interrupted by MJF. More details on what happened in the “author’s POV” rundown section below.
  • Trios Match for the Unified AEW World Trios Championship: The Bang Bang Gang (c) defeated Death Triangle by pinfall.
  • Singles Match for the AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) defeated Serena Deeb by pinfall.
  • Orange Cassidy defeated Trent Beretta by pinfall.
  • Three-Way FTW Rules match for the FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) defeated Hook and Katsuyori Shibata by pinfall.
  • IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match: Jon Moxley (c) defeated Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall.
  • Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the AEW TNT Championship: Adam Copeland (c) defeated Malakai Black by submission.
  • Singles Match for the AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Moné defeated Willow Nightingale (c) by pinfall to win the title!
  • Singles Match for the AEW World Championship: Swerve Strickland (c) defeated Christian Cage by pinfall.
  • Anarchy in the Arena: The Elite (Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, Kazuchika Okada and Jack Perry) defeated FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood), Bryan Danielson and Darby Allin by pinfall with Perry pinning Danielson.

Author’s POV, Running Commentary & Thoughts:

Zero Hour

  • To be perfectly honest, nothing at all happened in this hour and a half that stood out to me, but I was also dividing my time between several projects. Maybe I missed something that would have been a highlight. Then again, if it had caught my attention more, maybe I would have not had my attention elsewhere. Different perspectives.
  • I’ll say that in general, I don’t feel like either of these matches really pushed anything forward or accomplished anything much. Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony maybe should have won instead of The Acclaimed to give them some more momentum after splitting from Swerve. Rosa and Purrazzo is a wash from my eyes, as neither of them are in a position that I feel should be highly prioritized for a massive push compared to the other.

AEW International Championship Match: Roderick Strong (c) vs Will Ospreay

  • There’s been a lot more interference in this match at an earlier start than I had anticipated. I thought it would just be a straight-up wrestling match for 90% of it.
  • This was a good selection to go first. It won’t get buried in a bad spot later and get lost in the shuffle.
  • Don Callis is trying to hype up Ospreay to go to a new level to end Strong with a Tiger Driver. Ospreay thinks about it, but he can’t bring himself to basically break Strong’s neck. The champ is able to regain control out of that hesitation, and I honestly thought that might’ve been the end. They got me with that two-count.
  • Ospreay wins the title with a Hidden Blade followed by a Stormbreaker. Thumbs up on this match, for sure.

Adam Cole is out for a promo, crapping on the Las Vegas crowd. He pulls out the MJF devil mask and says that when he’s 100%, everyone will give the devil his due, and his name is…and the lights go out. When they come back, a video appears on the screen showing a sort of trophy room of MJF’s career and a ripped photo of MJF and Cole. Out comes MJF to a huge pop. He gives Cole a hug, but then, kicks him down below and gives him a Brainbuster. MJF got a microphone to talk some trash and say thanks to Cole, he’s never going to trust anyone again. Cole didn’t take out MJF like he thought he did. Instead, he “woke him up”. Now, MJF remembers who he is—the greatest wrestler on God’s green earth, and a generational talent. He’s better than you, and you know it. Unlike Cole and all those schmucks in the back, MJF doesn’t need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon to make MJF, because MJF made MJF. No more ha ha, no more friendships or Kangaroo kicks or any of that. He’s not talkin’ love anymore, but hate, hate, hate. (This gets a “hate hate hate” crowd chant) And when MJF is driven by hate, nobody is safe. MJF picks up the devil mask, calls it stupid, says masks are adorned by cowards who want to hide, but he’s done hiding and being humble. He’s not going to apologize for being the best. No one is as complete as he is. It’s not his fault everyone’s favorites “suck a big ol’ bag of donkey d*cks”. Nobody is on the level…so this stupid, goofy, grotesque mask that symbolizes the tail end of 2023 and makes his stomach turn in knots, can go straight to Hell. MJF stomps on it, Ric Flair style, complete with the strut, and throws it into the crowd. “I’ve been betting on myself since day one. I’m all in. Double or Nothing.” When it comes to his contract status: he reveals an AEW tattoo on his right calf. You can call him The Wolf of Wrestling, because he’s not f*cking leaving.

AEW World Trios Championship Match: The Bang Bang Gang (c) vs. Death Triangle

  • After that long promo segment, there’s no way this is a long match.
  • I missed most of this match, to be honest. I’m cooking dinner (which got put on hold for how long that MJF promo was) while also taking care of my wisdom teeth recovery. Priorities. From what I’ve seen and what I heard, it sounded like a good match.
  • Juice Robinson is back! He helps cause a distraction that leads to the champions retaining.
  • I’m going to have to go back and check this out, most likely.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs Serena Deeb

  • I’ve been saying for a while that this Toni Storm run just hasn’t done anything for me and all of her opponents are just there to kill time. The same would apply to Serena Deeb. So hopefully, they prove me wrong, but I’m anticipating that this will just be a match like any other, and that I won’t remember anything about it by tomorrow.
  • To be honest, so far, I’ve seen nothing memorable, unfortunately. As I keep saying, it’s not like these are BAD matches. But I have no investment in watching Serena Deeb very clearly lose to Storm. I don’t typically enjoy the in-ring action to justify spending 15 minutes watching it, and the character doesn’t progress enough for me to think it’s a storyline purpose, either.
  • Mariah May was about to throw in the towel when Storm was unable to escape Deeb’s submission lock, but Luther stopped her. Storm then got confused, thinking it was Luther who was about to throw in the towel.
  • Storm Zero gets a two-count. I’m surprised about that.
  • Eventually, Storm gets the pin. And again, it was just another match. Nothing special. Not bad. If you missed it, I don’t think you missed anything other than a moment of furthering the story of the split between Storm and May.

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

  • I’ll perpetually say that Orange Cassidy is and has always been in the running for possibly my favorite AEW wrestler and character.
  • Solid match. Nothing too much going on, though.
  • Oh, and it just ends with a random pin. Cassidy gets the win. Trent is upset at the loss and the sort of surprising nature of the finish. That’s it? No post-match thing to further this story? Well, that’s disappointing. This felt very much like filler that could have gone on the pre-show or would have came across as a bigger deal if it had taken place on Dynamite, even.
  • Trent denies Renee Paquette an interview after the match and pushes Rocky Romero away as he leaves through the crowd. That’s better than nothing post-match, but it’s not really significant.

Three-Way FTW Rules match for the FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata

  • A bunch of dice are placed in the ring. It definitely has to hurt like hell to be slammed on there, which keeps happening. I’d rather take that than thumbtacks or Legos, though.
  • Now, we have a kendo stick Mexican standoff. Jericho’s strikes do nothing to Hook and Shibata, who double-team him.
  • Big Bill has gotten involved to help Jericho escape tapping out to Hook.
  • And now, Big Bill has been taken out by being put through a table. Very nice suplex from Hook off the apron to do that. Hook’s such a star.
  • Hook and Shibata both lock in submissions like how they had beaten Bryan Keith to earn the title shot. But before Jericho can tap out, a masked assailant comes in and attacks them with a trash can. He’s unveiled to be…oh hey, it’s Bryan Keith.
  • Jericho hits a Judas Effect on Hook and pins Shibata (who was still in a trash can, for a funny visual)
  • After the match, Jericho sends out his security detail. Hook takes them down and goes through the tunnel in pursuit of Jericho.

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator Match: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita

  • Mox is having his taped-up arm worked on a lot in this match. Obviously, I dig the psychology behind that. I hope that means Takeshita wins. He could use the victory, it could set up a nice rematch with more stakes (the title) and it’s not as if Moxley needs to come out of this looking like an unstoppable punishment machine.
  • Takeshita continues to dominate. Moxley gets a few power moves here and there to fight back, like a Paradigm Shift he can’t capitalize on.
  • A Death Rider from Takeshita almost gets the win, but not quite.
  • Moxley gets the win with a stomp on a chair and a Death Rider. More so, he “survived that one” as they would say. And the story here is that if Takeshita hadn’t listened to Don Callis for that suggestion of getting the chair, he might’ve won. That’s interesting. I didn’t think Takeshita and Callis separating was in the cards for a looooong time. But if they’re teasing it already now, it might be popping up sooner than anticipated.

It was announced that there will be a casino gauntlet match on Dynamite to determine who gets an AEW World Championship opportunity at Forbidden Door. I still miss having the Casino Battle Royale on these events—especially Double or Nothing—and I think the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match or Casino Ladder Match should have stuck around, too.

Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match for the AEW TNT Championship: Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black

  • Copeland has a Brood-esque entrance, ascending from the stage, surrounded by fire. They even have “The Brood” up on the screen above him.
  • Black is the first to get a crimson mask, rather early on, too.
  • After falling face-first on a turnbuckle, Copeland’s bleeding from his forehead now, too.
  • Why is Copeland jumping from the top of the cage at this stage in his career? Nuts. I appreciate it, though. Very cool.
  • Uh oh…are The House of Black turning on Malakai? Nope. Never mind. That was a ruse.
  • Gangrel pops up from under the ring to try to help out Copeland! He isn’t super successful, but eventually, Copeland is able to wrap some barbed wire around Black and get him to pass out.

Backstage, Don Callis (interviewed by Lexy Nair) says it’s been a great night for the family in the grand totality of things. He’s got a scoop. This Wednesday on Dynamite, he’ll be presenting a contract for The Don Callis Family.

AEW TBS Championship Match: Willow Nightingale (c) vs Mercedes Moné

  • Mercedes has a special entrance. Nothing that is game-changing. A few drummers wearing some flashing outfits and some showgirl dancers (or whatever you’d call them) standing there and doing nothing but posing. I hate her theme with a passion, still.
  • The match has been good. I just haven’t had anything to talk about. But the first truly noteworthy thing to mention is the distraction (inadvertent or not) with Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway arguing with referee Aubrey Edwards while Willow had a pinfall that would have kept the title on her.
  • As expected, Mercedes captures the championship after hitting The Mone Maker.
  • Stat consoles Nightingale after the match. Stokely berates her, though. Statlander pushes Hathaway down for that and they walk up the ramp…only for Statlander to slam Willow’s head down, rip off the friendship bracelet and take her down with a spinning clothesline as Stokely laughs.

AEW World Championship Match: Swerve Strickland (c) vs Christian Cage

  • Warriors…come out to play-ay. That movie was set in New York, but sure, let’s do that reference here with the bottles and all for Prince Nana’s entrance.
  • I didn’t expect to hear back-to-back references to South Park and Beavis & Butthead based on Christian’s turtle neck going over his head.
  • Solid action. This is a competitive match. They work well together.
  • Rock solid is really the best way for me to describe this match. Pulling back the curtain a bit, if I weren’t in a miserable mood right now for reasons outside of this event, I’m sure I would have enjoyed this even more than I did, which is still a thumbs up.

Anarchy in the Arena Match

  • Darby Allin’s theme continues to play, in typical Anarchy in the Arena fashion. But The Young Bucks grab a mic and try to get them to play their theme instead. After that, Bryan Danielson gets them to play The Final Countdown instead! One of my favorite songs of all time. This is great.
  • Matt Jackson grabs a microphone and gets them to cut the music for budget concerns.
  • “We want music” chant breaks out.
  • Darby Allin and Jack Perry brawling in the loading dock zone leads to a car crash (a bus hitting a pile of trash and a truck). Most of the action is back in the ring.
  • Now, that action has spilled out toward the stage area. We’re getting some maneuvers on the poker chips on the set. It’s an anniversary show, after all, so why not have some callbacks?
  • Tony Khan is out, having been beaten backstage in some capacity. But Darby Allin uses the flamethrower to set Jack Perry on fire!
  • The Elite hooks Allin up to a winch (that falls from the ceiling) and has him in the center of the ring, legs tied up.
  • Harwood gets hit with an exploding chair in the head!
  • Okada pulls out an arm sleeve covered in thumbtacks. He uses that to hit Wheeler with a Rainmaker.
  • Out comes a shoebox with sneakers inside that have tacks on the bottom. Young Bucks put those on as Allin is being lifted up and dangling upside down, strung up. Double superkick with the tack-shoes to Allin.
  • Danielson gets possession of one of those shoes and starts using that as a weapon before nailing The Young Bucks with his trademark kicks.
  • “Please help Darby” chants are breaking out since he’s still just dangling upside down.
  • Perry nails Danielson with a knee to the head for the win.
  • This was awesome, as expected. It’s definitely going on my list for Match of the Year candidates.

Thanks for joining us for this event. Tell us your thoughts on AEW Double or Nothing 2024 in the comments section below.

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