Friday, July 26, 2024
ResultsPPVAEW Revolution 2024 Results, Viewing Party & More

AEW Revolution 2024 Results, Viewing Party & More



Welcome to the live results watch page for AEW REVOLUTION 2024 pay-per-view!

The event is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. ET with the Zero Hour, followed by the main show starting at 8 p.m.

Follow along here throughout the show for the results of each match as well as my personal thoughts on everything throughout the night down after the separation bar.

Keep refreshing for new updates, check out the quick results at the top of the page for the winners and chat it up with everyone in the comments as the show goes on!

Quick Hits Results:

  • [Zero Hour] The Bang Bang Scissor Gang (Max Caster, Anthony Bowens, Billy Gunn, Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, and Jay White) defeated Jeff Jarrett, Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal, Willie Mack, and Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) by pinfall.
  • [Zero Hour] Tag Team Match: Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale defeated Julia Hart & Skye Blue by pinfall.
  • Singles Match for the AEW TNT Championship: Christian Cage (c) (with Killswitch, Shayna Wayne and “The Prodigy” Nick Wayne) defeated Daniel Garcia by pinfall.
  • Singles Match for the Continental Crown Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) defeated Bryan Danielson by pinfall.
  • All-Star Scramble Match: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Hook vs. Lance Archer vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow vs. Magnus vs. Dante Martin — Wardlow won by pinning Martin.
  • Singles Match for the AEW International Championship: Roderick Strong (with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) defeated Orange Cassidy (c) by pinfall.
  • Tag Team Match: Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley) defeated FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) by submission.
  • Singles Match for the AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) (with Mariah May and Luther) defeated Deonna Purrazzo by pinfall.
  • Will Ospreay defeated Konosuke Takeshita by pinfall.
  • Three-Way Match for the AEW World Championship: Samoa Joe (c) defeated “Hangman” Adam Page and Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) by submission on Page.
  • Tornado Tag Team Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: Sting and Darby Allin (c) (with Ric Flair) defeated The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) by submission.

Author’s POV, Running Commentary & Thoughts:

Zero Hour

  • You know how this goes. The Zero Hour And A Half is 30 minutes of talking before the 2 matches that have been announced. So we’ll see if anything happens in the meantime, but I doubt it.
  • The Bang Bang Scissor Gang gets the win in the 12-man tag team match. Jay White pinned Willie Mack, for anyone who wants to know the specifics.
  • Jay White cuts a promo after the match, eventually teasing he has something in mind for Big Business.
  • Willow and Stat scored the victory in the women’s tag team match for the pre-show. They had a distinct size advantage, but it was still a rather even contest throughout.

AEW TNT Championship: Christian Cage (c) vs. Daniel Garcia

  • The first noteworthy thing to mention is Christian feigning an ankle injury to lure Garcia in for a rake of the eyes.
  • A little later on, Garcia’s now targeted Cage’s ankle to the point of weakening it. Karma.
  • They’re having a good match, but there isn’t much to really talk about. That’s par for the course. Most AEW matches are good bell-to-bell action that I find it hard to break down beyond if I just listed all their maneuvers.
  • I’ll say this, though: the longer this match goes on, the less I think Garcia can win it.
  • Killswitch is getting involved. Matt Menard is out to help, though.
  • Christian was ready for a spear, but his ankle gave out. Piledriver from Garcia and…it’s just a two-count. Fans are booing heavily.
  • Nick Wayne then interfered, giving an advantage to Christian to hit his finisher for the win. Can’t beat that numbers game.

AEW Continental Crown Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

  • These two had a match that had the crowd standing up at one point. I’m not going so far as to put it on my Match of the Year candidates or anything, but they were certainly very invested and loved it.
  • Hard-fought fight from start to finish with Kingston getting the win with a powerbomb.
  • Kingston’s earned Danielson’s respect. Danielson not only shook is hand, but also raised it.

All-Star Scramble Match: Brian Cage vs. Chris Jericho vs. Hook vs. Lance Archer vs. Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Wardlow vs. Magnus vs. Dante Martin

  • There was a mini Meat Madness moment with Hobbs, Wardlow, Archer and Cage.
  • Oh, and there was a “Mini Meat” Madness moment with the smaller guys, too.
  • Dante Martin needs to slow down. He’s gotten caught up on the ropes a few times and nearly gotten injured.
  • Lots of moments here where people are just standing around for a second, collecting their bearings, and trying to remember what the next spot it. Not a fan of that.
  • Wardlow eventually scores the win over Martin via pinfall.

AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Roderick Strong

  • Oof. The gut wrench where Roderick Strong slammed Cassidy onto the top turnbuckle was nasty.
  • Most of the story here has been about OC being hurt and taped up.
  • Cassidy hits a Beach Break, but Strong was able to get his foot on the ropes.
  • End of Heartache for the win and we have a new champion.
  • After the match, Kyle O’Reilly randomly appeared from behind! He then embraced with Undisputed Kingdom, but gave them their shirt back and said something to Roddy that we couldn’t hear and left. Curious. Very cool.

Tag Team Match: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley)

  • Dax Harwood is bleeding before Jon Moxley. That’s surprising.
  • They’re having a great match. Again, nothing I can really call out attention to, but it’s definitely some good in-ring action.
  • If it weren’t for the chaos going on keeping the energy up, I would say we’re past the point of this match going on too long.
  • I’m surprised, but Mox and Claudio get the win by submission with Dax unable to get out of Mox’s grip.

AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs. Deonna Purrazzo

  • Toni Storm is out in her traditional ring gear and theme….to reveal it’s actually Mariah May, not Storm. Nice swerve there!
  • Deonna going to AEW was the right call. I don’t think her style would fit all that well in WWE right now. She’s not winning this match, but at least she’s a viable contender to kill time until Mercedes shows up.
  • A hip attack and DDT still can’t do it for Storm.
  • Storm’s tapping out, but ref Aubrey Edwards is distracted by Luther. You know what that means, as the match is about to end in a minute or so. And with a piledriver, Storm retains by pinfall a minute later.

Will Ospreay vs. Konosuke Takeshita

  • Seriously, what do you say when it’s just “These two talented wrestlers had a great match together” like this? Of course it was a good match! These two are going to go at it numerous times over the years and keep up a feud, I’m sure.
  • Stiff shots. Particularly, stiff elbows.
  • Ospreay is 100% the fan favorite, as if anyone had any doubt about that.
  • OUCH. Ospreay’s back is torn up from what I guess you could call a brainbuster off the turnbuckle.
  • Crowd is going crazy after a series of counters and a 1-count kickout.
  • Big pop for a Styles Clash from Ospreay.
  • Hidden Blade gets the win for Ospreay.
  • Kyle Fletcher is out. Takeshita and Ospreay bow to each other. Apparently Fletcher and Ospreay are having a match on Dynamite.

AEW World Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland

  • Four dancers are accompanying Prince Nana to dance for Swerve’s entrance.
  • Swerve and Hangman are going to get in each others’ ways to cost both of themselves a victory.
  • Later into the match, Swerve specifically ignores going for a pinfall on Joe in order to keep his eyes on Hangman. That’s going to cost him.
  • Two Buckshot Lariats on Joe might’ve given him a win, but Page took out the referee (Paul Turner) beforehand. By the time Bryce Remsburg came in, it was too late. Two-count. Page is pissed but has no one to blame but himself.
  • Joe has a rear naked choke locked on for Page, but Swerve broke it up by jumping from the top rope.
  • Swerve rolls up Joe and Page flat out attacks Remsburg with a series of punches to break up the pinfall. Nice.
  • People go nuts for Swerve hitting a Buckshot Lariat onto Hangman. Joe suplexes Swerve and locks the Coquina Clutch onto Page, who taps out for the finish.

Tornado Tag Team Match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship: Sting and Darby Allin (c) vs. The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson)

  • The special guest timekeeper is Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat. That’s cool.
  • A recap of Sting’s career with him sitting in an auditorium, watching clips, plays before his entrance. It’s showtime, for the last time.
  • To pay homage to some of his other looks, we’ve got his sons dressed up as surfer Sting with the American flag adorned all over the place and NWO Wolfpac Sting to accompany him to the ring.
  • His sons get involved in the match from the start, doing some splashes in the corner of their own.
  • A pane of glass is brought out. I wonder if it’s real glass Jack Perry style or fake? Either way, it didn’t break on the first baseball bat strike, so Sting just smashed it anyway.
  • Nick Jackson gives Darby Allin a Falcon Arrow off the stage onto a table. Matt gives a vertical suplex to Sting off the stage through a table. Tornado tag isn’t Falls Count Anywhere, though.
  • Jeeeeeeeeeeeeesusssssss. Darby Allin went for a swanton off a ladder in the ring and crashed to the outside through a plate of glass placed between 4 chairs. That’s going on my best spot of the year list, for sure. His back is incredibly scratched up now and bloody.
  • Sting’s pulled off from a ladder and sent through a table. He pretty much no-sells it. Then, he’s tossed into a pane of glass. Two-count.
  • Nick has a title belt. Steamboat interferes. Matt hits Dragon with a chair in the stomach. Flair is now in the ring to try to block Matt from hitting him and covers Sting to protect him. Ric eats a double superkick for his efforts. So does Steamboat.
  • Belt to the face. Two-count. Sting still fights.
  • Sting also kicks out of an EVP Trigger. A second one gets just a 1-count.
  • Darby’s back in this. He pushes Nick off the ropes to go crashing through a table. Matt gets a Scorpion Death Drop, but kicks out at 2.
  • Coffin Drop on Matt. Scorpion Deathlock. Jackson taps out and the champions retain!
  • Sting gets a microphone to thank the fans and talk some more. However, he’s cut off as the pay-per-view just ends after he says “I have to wait, I’m getting cues, so hold on…”
  • Yeah. They aren’t even bringing the broadcast back or keeping it on. It just ends mid-speech. I’m sure we’ll see the full thing, but it’s still a downer to not just keep it going.

Tell us your thoughts on AEW Revolution 2024 in the comments section, and tune in to my live post-show podcast immediately following the event by clicking on the YouTube video below!

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