Sunday, May 12, 2024
Editorial​What luster..Let's Built Superstars Around Sit-Down Interviews

​What luster..Let’s Built Superstars Around Sit-Down Interviews



What luster..Let’s Built Superstars Around Sit-Down Interviews

Guys I’ll be honest, I don’t watch Michael Cole’s interviews. Originally, I had a plan to binge watch most of his interview with HHH but it never fell through. This blog is purposely going to exploit the sit downs interviews because I could add through analysis on what the interviews can do better.

WWE you wise devil you. Originally, as I read upon and took glances on WWE built these interviews upon HHH and the Authority. I was a fan until continuously we got HHH every single time, and then it changed but that grand mystique, questions that Cole asked were not as grand as HHH to other superstars. Instead of only focusing a lens on key rivalries, why doesn’t the ‘E with these “Sit Down” interviews expand it to a wide variety of people, like interviewing future prospect down at NXT or at the Performance interview. Instead of a quite audience of two, why doesn’t Cole travel the scope of the Wrestling world and interview future prospects in ROH, if of course permission is given.

My keen idea that Rachael Miller did not allude to earlier is that the “Sit-Down” interviews never had that luster that I got excited for. The main luster that I get on WWE.COM does not come from “Sit-Down” interviews that’s why I merely glance through the interviews. To make these interviews more appealing, WWE can interview Finn Baylor from NXT, about his match with Kevin Owens in Japan for the NXT Championship. What if, WWE alludes to the Divas and there campaign to give the divas a chance and the fans, could hopefully get excited about this. Michael Cole’s interviews can push boundaries, that Stone Cold and Chris Jericho (slightly I know) push when they have their interviews. Rivalries can be more interesting if WWE can push the envelope and give Cole more control over his interviews.

Well mates, tell me what you think in the comment section below. Please comment and tell me what you think WWE can do to make Michael Cole’s interviews more interesting thus build rivalries around these rivalries. Cheers.

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